When conducting an interview there are a few specific things you’re looking for, behaviors, skills, and experience. You can ask interview questions that are job specific. You cannot ask questions about age, race, gender, religion, and family status. If you asked questions like those you are putting the company at risk for a discrimination law suit. After watching the Martha Stewart interview on Zappos you could clearly see that the company is highly successful. The employees seemed happy to be there and to be doing their job. The empowerment of being able to express your individuality and to be able to show your true personality. Having a CEO who encourages you to express yourself and who lets you know you’re doing a great job. This makes
Highly skilled, loyal workers that provide steady employment throughout the year. Employees are the foundation of this firm and keeping them happy and loyal lowers the chances of disputes and improves production and efficiency.
There was a great team work and lots of energy towards employees to become LuLuLemon a billion dollar company.
An interview is composed of the interviewer and the respondent. The success of the interview session is dependent on the strategies applied by the interviewer as he or she has the power to influence the response. The level of participation is also one of the factors considered in an interview. In season one of the serial podcast show, the interviewer is Sarah Koenig while the interviewee includes some high school kids. Some of these kid includes; Krista, Aisha, Jenn, Cathy, Saad, Jay, and Adnan Syed.
I chose to read the interview with Beverly Tatum. What stood out to me was not the content she presented in the article but how much I related to it. I would like to say that this relation was a positive one but in fact I saw some of my own remarks in the ones she stated as having negative effect. As a caucasian female I never realized an inclusive classroom was more than saying I see all students as equals. There was a passage in the interview how most educators present this model throughout their classroom. It wasn’t until reading Beverly’s response to the interview question where I saw the wrong in that. Equality isn’t creating a common ground for all student’s. Just like the interview stated equal rights means more than making everyone equal. As a white educator in a predominantly white classroom that means seeing all my students as white. It is not something I would be doing on purpose but something that society has engraved in to me.
Let me start by saying, a happy employee is a happy company. An organization cannot meet its target goals except with close liaison with its employees. Employees on the other hand, want an organization that not only concerns it’s with its customers welfare and making profits, but also interested in making the welfare of its employees paramount, using Target as a case study. Target, the second largest retailer in the US market believes in assimilating its employees not just into its fold but into its vision and ideas. As stated on the company’s website, “Every team member is encouraged to innovate, contribute ideas and discover solutions as an important part of a world-class team” (Target career, 2016). Employees will rather work for an organization where their voices are heard and opinion counts. More so, with the dotted line crossing the boundary between an employee and an investor, it is imperative for organizations to craft programs that are beneficial to its employees. In Target’s own word,
Standardized applications may ask questions that are not considered completely legal. Employers must be sure that their application meets the legal requirements and does not ask questions that should not be asked. Typically these questions are linked to a protected class status. Protected class status is something that cannot be used to make employment decisions. These include questions that "identify the person as having protected class characteristics, namely age, sex, race, color, national origin, religion and disability" and "does not have any relationship to successful job performance" (Know what questions, 2012). The exception to this is a separate application form that is filled out anonymously that is used for EEO (Equal Employment
Another strong point is their management and corporate governance. On top of everything we find Elon Musk who is renewed around the world for its genius and entrepreneurship. Musk leads a team of the best minds in the field. Employees believe in the company and higher management personnel gets stocks.
your appreciation. Lastly enhanced profitability, you have to keep in mind of the different generation you have working for your company. Not everyone looking for the same thing. So if the company find out what each generation looking for and needs are you have to find that middle ground. I believe if you continue to find better health care programs, different stock and retirement plans and be able to match the employees, provide everyone with time off and career development. People always want to know how they can move up in a company. How the company is willing to support them in moving up and learning more information. Also how the company give back to their associates, families and the communities. That has become something that people look at because they want to know how that company will give back to those that help them to stay in business and continue to do business with them. So if a company keep these key things in mind they will not have problems recruiting people, hiring them and retaining them once they have been hired.
“Music gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.” This quote by Plato reminds me so much of Elizabeth Moore. She is spirited and loves to have fun. She also loves music and believes it is very important for music to be a part of young lives. I have known her since the day I was told we have the same name at church when I was younger. Through this interview, I learned something I will never forget hearing her say: “I guess one change would be all of the killings going on now that wasn’t when I was growing up. We all had a good time. I can’t understand people killing each other. It’s awful.” I found myself feeling dismayed over this statement. Hearing about her young life, I felt disappointed in what our modern world has come to. We need more people like Elizabeth in this world!
I am going to change the world. In 20 years there will be a Diane Sawyer interview with me. On my office walls will be framed thank you letters and photographs of civic leaders and me. The million-dollar question – what will I have accomplished? Provided refuge for animals that are becoming extinct? Raised funds to provide clean water to third world country villages? Headed up a UN mission to stamp out childhood famine and disease in Africa? There is nothing in life that I can predict with 100 percent faith. I don’t know if I’m going to get high honor roll every marking period, I don’t know if I’m going to be first…or last in sprints at lacrosse practice, I don’t know. The only thing I do know, the only thing that makes chills run down my body, gives me a rush of adrenaline with readiness and eagerness, is the full 100 percent faith and belief that I will change the world. I am going to make a difference in the most positive way and do good by the people, animals, and the environment someway, somehow.
Craig Jelinek, the CEO of Costco Wholesale, maintains a ninety-two percent approval rating from not only his employees but his executives (Peterson). This shows that Costco would create not only more jobs here in Longview/Kelso but good sustainable jobs. He believes that, “If you treat consumers and employees with respect, good things will happen” (Stone). This shows immensely when simply walking through a Costco. As a costumer of Costco, people notice that employees of this corporation always have a smile on their face. One employee even said, “I am grateful to come and work here everyday” (Stone). Happy employees mean effective workers, and that is shown on each face in the warehouse. Statistics show that only less than five percent of employees leave after working there a year and less than one percent leave in the executive branches (Stone). Employees that work at Costco are happy to be there and potentially can get an even better job inside the corporation. It is said that Costco likes to hire executives from the inside. Seventy percent of the executives at Costco were once warehouse workers (Stone). This means that anyone that gets a job there has a seventy percent chance to move up in the ranks of the company, make more money, stay there longer, and
• Established brand position (40-years experience) • Baby products / clothing : speciality retailer • Ability to adapt itself to the needs of its customers in international markets • Wide variety of products and services
1. One of the requirements to successfully apply as a Zappos employee is to be happy. The company hires only happy people, after which the company expends significant effort to maintain this sense of happiness. The philosophy behind this is that customers will be happy when being served by happy employees. This is why the company strives to create a company culture that inspires its employees and promotes their sense of well-being.
Quite simply, a company is its people. At Samsung, we’re dedicated to giving our people a
At Creative World Shoes (CWS), we retain many strengths as a company. To begin, we have a strong sales team. In a retail business, a powerful sales team is crucial because they are the direct link to the customers. We have hired and trained the proper individuals for our sales team and we believe that we have a powerful team. Employees should constantly be motivated and secure in their job. Open communication is always welcome in this company. We believe in employee satisfaction and we are constantly listening to their suggestions. Leadership in a company can impact the energy greatly. We hold meetings every Monday to make a plan for the week to keep everyone organized and satisfied. A happy sales team means happy customers.