
Martin Luther Reformer As A Reformer

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2. Martin Luther is without a doubt the most influential figure during the Reformation. He was born in Eisleben Germany where his father, Hans, was a smelter master. Hans’s occupation allowed Martin to obtain an education, which very few were able to achieve during this time in history. In school Luther was able to learn Latin while continuing his education. While in school, a teacher noticed his talents and introduced Luther to Latin classics and history. This had a lasting impression on Luther and would be the foundation to what would lead to his later works in life. Luther’s father wanted his son to become a lawyer to improve their family status, therefore later Luther attended the University of Erfurt. While attending the University of Erfurt, Luther was presented with the idea of humanism, which was recovering the ideas from ancient sources. This idea of humanism was the central point for Luther’s works during the Reformation. Luther’s first true steps to becoming a reformer was following an incident returning to Erfurt, when he had an epiphany and decide then and there to become a monk. Within the monastery Luther attempted to be perfect to receive God’s grace. After becoming a professor in Wittenberg, he visited Rome and it was here where Luther had discovered the corruption of the papacy. Luther discovered from his work in scripture that the Catholic Church was restricting their followers of faith from understanding the true meaning of the scriptures. However, the

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