
Marxism In Red Mars

Decent Essays

Red Mars launches humanity into hope for a utopic way of organizing people on a new planet. Or, I should say it spins on Ares into the future of organization, a set up for which is unknowable as earthlings have not yet become Martians. It’s a Marxian socialist future where social equality and economic equity are supposed to afford enjoyment of life through unity between individuals and the objects of their production. As the first one hundred, who are mostly from Russia and the USA, ask impossible Marxist questions about how society should be set up and who should own what, they discover differences in their ideologies about what life should be like on Mars. They split into the Reds, who want Mars to remain in its “natural” state, and the Greens, who want to spread life on Mars. This, which followed a description of cosmonauts as non-hierarchical and astronauts as militarized, forewarned of utopia’s downfall which came in the form of a prospecting award to Armscor. This violation of the Mars Treaty was only the beginning of transnat control over the planet and thus, life itself.
What I found most interesting in Red Mars was that no character, and not even …show more content…

With each revelation, both before and after the revolution, I saw clash after clash as Mars was terraformed into civilizations with competing and contentious ideologies. For example, becoming a Martian did not separate belief systems from humanity. There’s no utopia when the production of life separates. For example, on Mars Abrahamic belief systems, particularly Islam, held women in comfortable subservience. It was Hegel’s master-slave dialectic all over again; a clash of philosophy and religion. And transnational corporations were mining Mars alongside nation-building that reproduced Orientalism and Othering. The terraforming project was literally an Earthly social reproduction with rising crime and thus, the need for a police

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