
Marxism and Health Care

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How does one theoretical perspective discussed in chapter two contribute to a deeper sociological understanding of health and health care? For many years sociological approaches towards health were not adequately utilised as a means of gaining an enriched understanding of concurrent physical and social issues relating to health care. The application of theoretical perspectives in reference to health emerged during the 1950’s and was commonly perceived as being empirical rather then theoretical in nature (Gray, D. E. 2006). Theories are essentially an explanation of how things work and why they happen (Germov, J. 2009). In effect they provide us with answers through the application of concepts and hypothetical approaches that allow us to …show more content…

Consequently it is not so elementary to apply Marxist principals regarding ‘class struggle’ in today’s society; nonetheless Marxist theology concerning the correlations between ones socioeconomic status and their standard of health is still highly evident worldwide. In today’s society the lower class are more commonly referred to as ‘socially disadvantaged’ and generally consist of those who have a low income. Regardless of ones status within society a good standard of health and access to a high level of treatment is internationally recognised as being a fundamental human right. The reality of the situation is that this does not stand true on the basis that those who are on the wealthier side of the spectrum have greater access to a wider variety and level of treatment. As a corollary of expanding commodification within the health industry costs associated with treatment have now increased meaning that good health and wellbeing are now becoming a commodity that the individual must purchase. One does not have to look far too see evidence of Marxist theories and their practical application to the provision of contemporary holistic health care. According to data from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, the Aboriginal life expectancy is approximately 17 years less then the average non-indigenous Australian ("Indigenous life expectancy," 2013). This distinction in life expectancy between races living in the same country is due in part to the major social

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