
Massive Open Online Courses

Decent Essays

Massive Open Online Courses, shorthanded as MOOCs, are courses that offer the opportunity for students and learners everywhere the chance to take part in an online classroom that often are composed of video lectures, and online assessments. There are no restrictions on who can join the courses providing an incredible accessibility to learning for people all over the world. However, as is common with many central issues, there are a large range of opinions for and against MOOCs. Audrey Watters, a journalist for many publications such as MindShift, and Edutopia, wrote an article for High School Alternative Programs titled, “Massive Open Online Courses Are Overhyped and Have Serious Problems for K-12.” In this article, Watters expresses that she believes that MOOCs are deeply flawed, and largely detrimental to education. Watters states that their graduation rates are particularly low and that not much is known about students that register for MOOCs. However, I believe that Watters is not looking at graduation rates within the right context, and that knowing who the beneficiaries of MOOCs are is not as important as having worldwide accessibility to education.
One of the arguments that Watters makes is that out of edX’s circuit and electronics class only 5% of the 150,000 – approximately 7,157 students – actually finalized the course. While I do understand that 7,157 students sound significantly lower than 150,000, it is important to consider the following statistic.

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