The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing defined nurse leader role that aligns with Yvette Whittaker role as the director of quality management. American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2011) describes that a master prepared nurse must be effective in the methods, tools, performance measures, safety principles and quality standards and must be well prepared to apply quality principle within an organization. In addition, the role of the master prepared nurse is to analyze, monitor and prioritize the outcomes that need improvement then create a plan of action (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2011).
The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2011) noted that the master prepared nurse implements the delivery of safe, quality care to various population, settings, and roles. Furthermore, the
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It is recommended for the hospital to invest in latest medical imaging technology equipment such as the digital radiography (DR) to be able to perform the appropriate test needed, improve image quality, and for faster processing of the results. Using the latest digital technology will give the ordering physicians that ability to see an immediate view of the image at the bedside, order any other test as needed, and begin the treatment in a much more efficient manner (MD Buyline, 2017). The second recommendation for the above-identified weakness is for the hospital to have a holding unit staffed with a nurse and technician for the behavioral patient in the emergency department (ED) to prevent overcrowding in the unit. According to Mathur, Ms. ( n.d.), the extra wait time in the ED before receiving the mental health services delays the delivery of psychiatric intervention and increases psychological stress for patients.
Rationale for Recommended
Burkhardt, M. & Nathaniel, A. (2008). Ethics & issues: In contemporary nursing, (3rd ed.) Clifton Park, NJ: Delmar
person interviewed must be 18 years of age or older and should NOT be a family member or close
If you are trying to pursue a career in nursing you should do your research on this field. I have learned so much about what it takes to pursue a career in nursing and that there is so much more to it than just choosing what kind of nurse you want to become, to find out all about nursing you have do all the research possible. There are many roles that a nurse has such as a caregiver, educator, advocate and many more. The practice level of nursing is very broad also, there are plenty of degrees that you can get as a nurse, along with the specialty areas of practice I want to become a pediatric nurse which would be a specialty area. The practice settings of nurses vary from a hospital, community, outpatient, or school there is an endless
I want to pursue a career in medicine by working in the field of nursing. Specifically, after graduating from Illinois State University, I plan to start working in pediatrics to help me become a certified pediatric nurse. A bachelor's degree from ISU’s Mennonite College of Nursing is a good fit for my educational goals because of your high freshman retention, graduation, and pass rates for national and state licensure examinations. ISU has an excellent academic reputation, and because I am someone who takes my academics seriously, academic quality is important to me. After seeing the campus tour videos, looking at your majors, and learning about the Traditional BSN program, I knew ISU was the school for me. I know that at ISU I can develop the skills necessary for success first in college, then in the nursing field.
A number of emotions were felt during this experience, in regards to transitioning from a student nurse to the registered nurse role. Primarily, the transition in role from student nurse to registered nurse was similar to any clinical experience I have had at Midlands Technical College. I was placed in a medical-surgical rotation. I felt slighted that not only were we required to complete a data tool but we also participated in the teamwork model demonstrated in prior semesters. Personally, I did not feel a transition during this particular clinical experience.
Due to the demands of an evolving health care system and an emphasis in health and wellness, Master’s prepared nurses are in demand. What does a Master’s prepared nurse entails? According to the American Association College of Nursing, Master’s prepared nurses obtain a higher level of learning as well as key competencies and skills. The ultimate goal is to achieve positive patient outcomes resulting in an overall improved health care system. The purpose of this paper is to provide insight on a Master’s prepared nurse conducted through an interview. My interviewee has obtained an MSN
Transitioning from nursing school to working in a hospital setting can be a challenging time for a new graduate. Due to the nursing shortage, new graduate nurses are being hired with little to no experience. This is overwhelming for new nurses, especially when they are not getting adequate support or training from the hospital. The amount of stress, pressure, and lack of training is leading to a high turnover rate for new graduate nurses. With patient acuity on the rise, new graduate nurses that are filling these vacancies in the hospitals, need to be competent nurses to provide proper and safe care to the patients.
The role of a family nurse practitioner is a fundamental portion of the future of healthcare. The role is clearly not as understood by other healthcare professionals as needed which results in the disagreement if the role of a family nurse practitioner is even required for primary care. As people are getting older, the need for medical professionals that can provide patient care to our ever growing population increases. The need for the role of family nurse practitioners will grow too. The role of the family nurse practitioner, the ability of the FNP to be able to transition into their role.
In the interview the question about any advice she wanted to offer was asked, with a big smile on her face, I am sure, she responded that the field is “wide open” ("Nursing Informatics as a Career," 2011) she continued on to say, if you are a self-starter it
“Advanced nursing practice is the deliberative diagnosis and treatment of a full range of human responses to actual or potential health problems.” (Calkin, 1984). Advanced nurse practitioners attempt to maximize the use of knowledge and skills and improve the delivery of nursing and health care services. The field of advanced nursing practice differs from basic practice as the former requires clinical specialization at the master’s level. At this level, nurses become expert practitioners whose work includes direct and indirect patient care. Direct patient care involves caring for patients and their families; this is the focus of my section on nurse clinicians. Indirect patient care includes work as an educator, researcher, and a
Tell us why you decided to apply to the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In addition, share with us the academic, extracurricular, or research opportunities you would take advantage of as a student. If applicable, provide details of any circumstance that could have had an impact on your academic performance and/or extracurricular involvement.
Leadership does not always come with a title or prestige. Every nurse has within themselves qualities that make them a great leader. Leadership by definition, “is a combination of intrinsic personality traits, learned leadership skills, and characteristics of the situation (Cherry& Jacob (2013 p. 335). A leader is one who has the capacity and skills to direct or encourage others in efforts to achieve an outcome. I recently completed a self-assessment on my perceived leadership abilities. The survey was called the Nurse Manager Skills Inventory (Nurse Manager Leadership Partnership, 2008). It consists of four content areas of which I will address and identify my strengths and weaknesses.
The standards of practice describe a competent level of nursing care as exhibited by the critical thinking model known as the nursing process. This practice includes the areas of assessment, diagnosis, outcome identification, planning, implementation, and evaluation. The nursing process includes significant actions taken by registered nurses (RN) and forms the foundation of the nurse’s decision-making (“American Nurses Association,” 2010).
This assignment will present a nursing care study of a patient on a cardiac ward. The patient will be referred to as Ann to maintain confidentiality (NMC, 2008). Ann’s consent was gained prior to starting this care study. The care study will be developed using the Nursing process and the Roper, Logan and Tierney model. These will both be outlined. The assignment will focus on the assessment process and one problem identified during the assessment and the nursing care which followed this.
The second week of my preceptorship brought many new experiences for me, and I can honestly say that each day I spend with my preceptor is better than the last. This week I focused on time management of a full patient load with continued documentation practice as well as admission and discharge procedures. I’ve had brief experiences in my past rotations assisting with discharge teaching and admission assessments however I have never been able to fully take charge and complete the process from start to finish, so this was a great learning opportunity for me.