
Mat 540 Final Project Case Study

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3. The project network diagram with optimistic, pessimistic, and most likely time are given as below: Activities A, B, and C are the starting tasks, while activities I and J are the end activities of the project. Dummy activities Start and Finish with duration 0 are added in the network diagram to make the calculation of critical paths simpler (You can remove these dummy variables if you want). Following duration for each activities are provided: TIME ESTIMATES (DAYS) Activity Optimistic Most Likely Pessimistic A 5 7 8 B 6 8 12 C 3 4 5 D 11 17 25 E 8 10 12 F 3 4 5 G 4 8 9 H 5 7 9 I 8 11 17 J 4 4 4 Calculate slack and critical path. What is the probability that project completes in 47

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