
Math Instruction For High Quality Math Essay

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James (a pseudonym) was chosen for this assignment to receive tier 2 math instruction in addition to high quality math support he is currently receiving in a first grade inclusion classroom. At the beginning of the semester, James, as well as the rest of his class, was given a universal screening assessment of mathematical skill. James’ scores placed his mathematical ability at a pre-kindergarten level and was the lowest among his peers in the classroom. Because of this, James began to be progress monitored every week using a mixed skills addition and subtraction curriculum based measurement (CBM) matched to the 1st grade standard CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.1.OA.C.6 (Add and subtract within 20, demonstrating fluency for addition and subtraction within 10.) However, on the initial round of CBM’s , James scored a 0 and continued to score a 0 after the next two CBM’s. Because his scores continued to show a lack of growth up to James’ goal line, he is being referred to tier 2 math instruction (see Appendix A).
The data from James’ addition and subtraction mixed skills CBM as well as anecdotal evidence from the classroom indicates that James has difficulty adding and subtracting numbers within ten. Particularly, due to the length of time that it takes James to solve addition problems, it appears that James’ number sense is lacking sufficient number fluency. James frequently appears to express frustration when working on math problems indicating making statements such as “I can’t do

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