is a great resource for students, homeschoolers, parents and even teachers looking for free math worksheets and lessons with primary focus on problem solving. As a mother, homeschooler and coach, Teresa Carter, the founder and author of, believes that mathematical problem solving should be part of every child’s curriculum. It is because during her years of coaching students as well as her own young children, she has discovered that problem solving helps students develop deeper understanding of mathematics. As many students do not believe that they would ever be very good at solving problems, her goal has been to help her students develop confidence in their own mathematical ability by helping them become better
This paper will demonstrate the pre-service teachers’ understanding of mathematical practices as part of the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics. It will address two specific standards for Mathematical Practices, describing the essence of both and providing a description of how teachers facilitate these practices and how students are engaged in the practices.
Van de Walle, J, Karp, K. S. & Bay-Williams, J. M. (2015). Elementary and Middle School Mathematics Teaching Developmentally. (9th ed.). England: Pearson Education Limited.
I am writing with the intention of describing the math skills that I acquired prior to taking the Math 2414 course. I further intend to explain how my previous math skills have helped me to succeed in the calculus II course. As I intend to pursue a career as an electrical engineer, the Math 2414 course has provided me with skills that I will need in order to succeed in many of my future science courses, as well as in my career as an engineer.
The volume of the cube is 100 cm3 more than the volume of the cuboid.
Math 201 has taught me a variety of mathematical concepts that will be useful in my teaching career. This course was very interactive and for that reason have a better understanding of how to teach math to children. Before taking this course, my primary approach to teaching math was rote memorization as I was taught this way. After taking math 201, I have come to understand that this approach is not highly effective at all; that children who are taught this way end u missing out on important concepts. I have learned the theory behind memorizing by repetition is the more you go over a particular bit of information, the easier it is to recall. But create weaknesses as children work their way though school, they may be memorizing information
Ms. Kostos is a second grade teacher. During her time as a teacher she has seen the math standards and expectations for students evolve from just getting an answer, to thinking about how a problem is solved and communicating that process to others, while using the
Math is one of the fundamental subjects taught in elementary school and is a necessity for overall academic survival. Young learners’ future understanding of mathematics requires an early foundation based on a high quality, challenging, and accessible mathematics education (NCTM, 2013). An engaging and encouraging learning environment helps children develop confidence in their ability to understand and use mathematics. However, math proves to be a difficult subject for many students.
The Urban Math Institute was the name of the Math Science Partnership grant from which the archived data in this study was collected. The UMI partnered with university mathematics faculty and a urban school district, that had varying achievement levels amongst its elementary schools, to support teachers of students in grades three through five with an intensive mathematics professional development created to increase teachers' math content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge, improved math instruction, and increase student achievement in urban school districts.
Algebra is a critical aspect of mathematics which provides the means to calculate unknown values. According to Bednarz, Kieran and Lee (as cited in Chick & Harris, 2007), there are three basic concepts of simple algebra: the generalisation of patterns, the understanding of numerical laws and functional situations. The understanding of these concepts by children will have an enormous bearing on their future mathematical capacity. However, conveying these algebraic concepts to children can be difficult due to the abstract symbolic nature of the math that will initially be foreign to the children. Furthermore, each child’s ability to recall learned numerical laws is vital to their proficiency in problem solving and mathematical confidence. It is obvious that teaching algebra is not a simple task. Therefore, the importance of quality early exposure to fundamental algebraic concepts is of significant importance to allow all
The common hatred for math is likely fostered by a student’s past experiences (Kiser, 2016) and not by the student’s lack of knowledge. The differences between students’ perceptions of math can be explained by their mindsets (Hocker, 2017). Those with a fixed mindset believe their abilities and intelligence are fixed or static. While those with a growth mindset believe their intelligence can grow and change (Dweck, 2006). Developing a growth mindset is a fundamental job of teachers and parents (Degol, Wang, Zhang, & Allerton, 2017) and can be established through proper instruction (Boaler, 2016) and creating a relaxed environment (Caine & Caine, 1991). Additionally, growth mindset can be fostered through simple interventions that promote learning about the brain and how it can change (Hocker, 2017; Wieland, 2011). After a growth mindset has been established, students’ perceptions (Hocker, 2017; Schleider & Weisz, 2016), confidence (Boaler, 2016; Degol et al., 2017), success (Hembree, 1990; Fitzgerald & Laurian-Fitzgerald, 2016; Kiser, 2016; Shen, Miele, & Vasilyeva, 2016; Wieland, 2011), and attention to mistakes (Boaler, 2016; Schoder et al., 2017) will improve. Furthermore, students’ anxiety will decrease as a result of developing a growth mindset (Boaler, 2016; Hocker,
Math has not always been the best subject of mine, but because of this I’m not discouraged. My strengths in math are memorization, interpreting tables and graphs, solving equations, factoring, graphing, and solving quadratics. My weaknesses are analyzing complex information in word problems, probability problems, exponents and polynomials, rational expressions, and sequences. Looking back at this list of my strengths and weaknesses, gives me inspiration to understand each of these concepts. Even my strengths could use work. I hope to be able to understand algebra on a college level. My fear is doing poorly on test or quizzes, which would reflect my grade in an unfortunate matter. My goal for this year in college algebra is to be prepared and
We collected qualitative data from parent surveys, teacher interviews, random student interviews, and teacher journal observations. We designed and administered the parent survey to gain perspective from families of what is learned in math (Appendix A). This survey was conducted prior to starting the project and at the conclusion of the survey. The second survey was used as a comparison to see the difference in
Math 50 is a college course that prepares students for a higher math level. Math 50 is the beginning of intermediate algebra. For this course we will only be using the textbook and have step by step lectures. Math lab won’t be used for this course because for math internet will be not as helpful then spot on lectures .
The purpose of this article by Samuelsson, (2010) is to examine the effects of two differently structured methods, traditional and problem-solving, of teaching children mathematical the first five years in school. Trying to determine the difference between boys and girl depending on the type of teaching method they received. Predicting those students in the non-textbook problem-solving group would show strength in all areas of mathematical proficiency except the procedural area. That is, they would perform significantly higher than the traditional group. The research questions were: Which teaching approach, traditional or problem solving is most effective for developing students’ mathematical proficiency? Do girls have the advantage over boys in a traditional teaching context? Do boys have the advantage over girls in problem-solving context? Girls were expected to have the advantages over boys in the traditional group, and that boys would have the advantages over girls in the problem-solving group. Students’ progress in conceptual understanding, strategic competence and adaptive reasoning a significant increase when teachers teach with a problem-based curriculum.
I propose the initiation of an online math program as a solution. The name of the program would be BBAM (Becoming Better At Mathematics) and it would be a good fit for the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) because they are both geared towards the core interest of advancing student’s understanding of Mathematics. Through this program, students will be better able to learn from their mistakes and apply the appropriate strategies to solve their mathematical problems. Occasionally, physical or face to face help is not readily available, however, with the implementation of this online program, students will receive help in a timely manner with little or no disruptions.