
Learning Target Strategy

Decent Essays

We decided to implement the strategy of Learning Targets in math in hopes of the students improving their goal setting and ownership of learning. We wanted to understand the significance of goal setting and purposeful teaching of learning targets. Furthermore, by taking ownership over their own learning, students will be prepared to successfully communicate during the student lead conference.
We acquired this idea of learning from our desire to improve our daily instruction and mastery of math standards.
Our Learning Target strategy included the study of math concepts. We utilized the Learning Target strategy five days a week for 45 minutes. Weekly, we conferenced with each individual student after whole-group instruction. Each week, the classroom teachers selected the targeted goal for the students for the week. Both classrooms planned a six-week schedule of targeted goals.
We collected qualitative data from parent surveys, teacher interviews, random student interviews, and teacher journal observations. We designed and administered the parent survey to gain perspective from families of what is learned in math (Appendix A). This survey was conducted prior to starting the project and at the conclusion of the survey. The second survey was used as a comparison to see the difference in …show more content…

In these interviews, the students were asked their math goal for that specific week. The two teachers pulled each student aside and recorded their answers verbatim. During the initial conference, interviewing took about three to four minutes. As the action research project unfolded, the teacher interviews took less time, due to engagement and understanding of the interview process. To add to the depth of the research project, our elementary counselor conducted a spontaneous interview of six students to see if they could answer the same questions out of context and from a new

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