
Matthew 5-13 Research Paper

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The Biblical images of the Church are the basic concepts of becoming one with the Lord and with each other in perfect harmony. The mission for us is to be the salt and light of the earth and become that of which God wanted from us in the beginning. The first time salt is used in reference to the People of God is in Matthew 5:13 and this is a key point in understanding this image of the Church. The first time that light is used is in Matthew 5:14 and this marks the start of a huge step within the Church and those who belong to it. Together salt and light make the world a better place and help us keep a perfect faith that is good for all to enjoy. We can take a taste of heaven and heaven can take a taste of us through understanding the reading from Matthew 5:13. This is when Jesus is talking to his disciples and those around him. The disciples received a power to change the world. This verse tells us that we are the salt of the earth and this means that we are the ones who bring out the true goodness of God. Salt in its true state is something that can preserve and bring out hidden flavors in what it is used on. Through understanding …show more content…

This is in Matthew 5:14 and it is again Jesus talking to the disciples. The disciples learn that we are worth more than just a human race. The Church is told that not only were we created but we were also meant to shine in the goodness of the Lord. Believers are the light that shines in the depths of darkness and creates something as beautiful as a sunrise on a Saturday morning. We hold hope in our hearts and the power that is released is the light and love bestowed upon us to share with the world through the Church and by being People of God. We art to be Katholikos which in its Greek meaning is to be universal or according to a whole. We are meant to be in the Church and be one as a family would throughout all of

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