
Matthew Tranter Reference Letter

Decent Essays

I write to recommend Richard Matthew Tranter to serve as a clerk in your chambers. Personally, I’m thrilled Matthew has decided to pursue a clerkship. After my time as a student at the University of Virginia School of Law, I clerked in for a judge in the Eastern District of Virginia. I found it to be one of the most rewarding professional experiences of my career. With that in mind, I strongly suggested to Matthew that he think very seriously about clerking. He has the type of intellect and warm personality many chambers would find beyond welcoming — and that means I can support him in this endeavor without any reservation whatsoever.

I am the assistant dean at UVA Law who oversees the admissions process. Our summers are less busy than other times of the year, so we assist our Career Services Office with mock interviews. I met Matthew during one such mock interview. He …show more content…

You have his transcript and his resume. I have not had him as a faculty member, so I will let his professors give the definitive description of his academic abilities. I will point out, though, I would have no problem hiring Matthew to serve as my lawyer.

I do specifically want say, I have been the beneficiary and an observer of Matthew’s extraordinarily high EQ. In the Virginia Law Admissions Office, we try hard to find applicants who demonstrate both high levels of IQ and EQ. It’s my bet one of the reasons so many judges like to hire graduates of this Law School to serve as clerks is because we do care so much about a good balance of IQ and EQ. I would present Matthew as another in a long line of examples of that.

I think you should hire Matthew — but I also think you would enjoy meeting him. I hope you’ll do that by inviting him for an interview.

If I can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to be in touch.

I remain, as always

Yours Very Truly,

Cordel L. Faulk
Assistant Dean & Chief Admissions

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