
Max Weber Domination Summary

Decent Essays

In Weber’s article he claims that there are specific types of domination, which stress the importance of establishing “legitimacy” as a leader, within a group of people. He supports this opening claim in his introduction paragraph, in which he defines the authority of domination “classified” by the “kind of claim” demanded (2). He ultimately supports his by breaking down the types of legitimacy in domination in three distinct categories: Legal authority, traditional authority, and charismatic authority (3). He supports his argument through theoretical examples in which he assumes the reader has a background in. The assumptions include: knowledge of basic authoritative environments such as work setting or school that are applied to his …show more content…

While there are mentions of other scholars and works mentioned in his paper, the purpose of them lacks full supplementation for his paper, as he only uses the scholars as a brief mention rather than build upon their arguments. However, despite my critique on his broad theoretical concepts of domination, his beginning definition of the “three pure types of authority” (2) did help in establishing his a convincing argument that engaged with historical and contextual concepts of domination. Specifically when breaking down rational, traditional, and charismatic “grounds” of authority, he is careful to clarify each ground through its “establish belief” or example that is easy for the reader to understand and also apply their own knowledge too. While he doesn’t use specific examples from books or other documents that could add more validity to his argument, his broader concepts work as a good supplementation for a future research paper (3). The larger problem of this again is the interpretive claim, which counters any solidifying argument of Webbers claims.
Domination, an interpretive word itself, is grounded in Weber’s paper through three distinct examples of authority that are broad enough to maintain an adaptive perspective on the topic itself. The implications of this article help guide the reader to their own personal assumptions of what domination is through a broad array of examples that are easy

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