
Maxis Business Strategic Planning

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Main importance of Maxis is that they have corporate plan in order to maintain their position in market to serve the customers. As a responsible business, Maxis have embedded the principles of corporate responsibility (“CR”) in their day-to-day operations. Sustainable and ethical ways of doing business have been at the core of Maxis' initiatives.
To achieve business success over the long-term, Maxis recognize that they must continue to foster and nurture meaningful relationships with the stakeholders. Among core values is the attribute of trustworthiness, which requires that they subscribe to high business ethics that are vital to building stakeholder trust.

At Maxis, their CR initiatives are focused on:
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The major responsibilities of HR department are:-
1) Provide support to supervisors and staff to develop the skills and capabilities of staff.
2) Monitor staff performance and attendance activities.
3) Coordinate staff recruitment and selection process in order to ensure a timely organized and comprehensive procedure is used to hire staff.
4) Provide information and assistance to staff, supervisors and Council on human resource and work related issues.
5) Perform other related duties as required

In the Maxis itself, Azmi b. Ujang holds the portfolio as Head of the Human Resources and is responsible for the overall management of human capital, internal communications and corporate occupational safety and health. He also responsible for ensuring the company and its employee comply with regulatory requirements and internal policies/procedures and providing assurance to the Board of Directors and Senior Management. He also represents Maxis in key interactions with government and regulatory agencies.


Maxis provide a variety of mobile communication products and services. They offer prepaid call plans, monthly subscription plans, International Roaming, MMS, WAP (over both GSM and GPRS), Residential Fixed Line services, and Broadband Internet

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