
Maya Angelou's Views On The Banning Of Books

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1. The author's position on banning of books is it is very disappointing to know that these other authors have had their books banned and now Maya Angelou is experiencing the same thing with having I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings banned. It is always unfortunate to hear a book has been banned (for whatever the reason) since people, especially students, will not have the opportunity to read about the important lessons and morals that book has to offer. ADD MORE

2. Maya Angelou's suggest the censors are fearful of these controversial topics that are being discussed in these pieces of literature in her poem. The idea of sex and having sex before marriage, witchcraft (hexes), being with someone of another race, doing wild things with consense only, homosexuality, racism, rape, and stereotypes. Censors tend to be very conservative people who are very fearful of progression in the people's values or mindsets. They are afraid that these topics if accepted as something "normal" it can be talked about casually. ADD MORE …show more content…

The censors would be fearful of allowing students to read about these issues because they do not want to expose students to the harsh reality of the real world that hold these topics. Censorships were made to "protect" students and these books will a bad influence on students if read because student would be vulnerable to these topics and fall into the wrong path. In addition, it is too young of age for students to be learning about same-sex marriages or rape. So, it is very “inappropriate" have these discussions in school, some may say especially in a Catholic School. Also, since students are too young, censors are scared they would start doing these things, like having sex. Censors are fearful that this could spark a change in the world students live in and it will make it sound like

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