
Mcdonald 's Fries : The Holy Grail Of French Fries

Decent Essays

Some people would argue that McDonald’s fries are the Holy Grail of French fries. Ray Croc, one of the founders of McDonald’s wrote in his autobiography that the French fry was “almost sacrosanct for me” (Schlosser 50). What was it that made their fries the leader in fast food? In the early years, it was the way they were fried that gave them this intriguing flavor. As time progressed, in the mid 60’s, they began to use frozen fries to cut cost, and people noticed. In the 90’s, consumers began to become a little more aware about their dietary intake. They criticized not just McDonalds, but the entire food industry. They wanted to know what was in the food they were consuming, and how it was prepared. This in turn, caused McDonald’s and …show more content…

Flavors that are there, concocted like a witches’ potion, with ingredients that are almost as hard to pronounce as they are to make. Sadly, the FDA does not require these companies to disclose these ingredients if they are considered safe, or GRAS, “generally recognized as safe” (Schlosser 54). So, the consumer continues to buy, either not realizing or not caring what they are consuming. Then there is the secrecy. Almost as if they are working on a highly classified drug that will end all diseases. Why the secrecy? Is it because they know if the public got wind of it they might boycott their product? Or is it that these chemicals are slowly killing the consumer and that must be kept secret? These scientist, or flavorist, are highly trained in their field. If they can turn a chemical into a cookie, why then, can’t they produce the same thing with natural herbs? With 1.4 billion annual revenues, could this be corporate greed?

I understand that as individuals we have the choice to consume whatever is appealing to us. Sometimes we choose food for convenience, we are in a hurry, while other times maybe it’s because we are not educated to the facts. But the fact of the matter is, food can taste good without lacing it

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