
Obesity In America

Decent Essays

Today, in our fast-paced world of modern America, the availability of inexpensive, cheap processed food and drink is overwhelming. We have quickly become the most obese nation on the planet by simply allowing companies to lower nutritional value, raise sugar quantity, and increase fat and calorie percentages to an astounding amount. We as a nation buy into these consessions because of three main reasons: low price, convenience, and massive availability. Because of this, eating healthy is seen to be expensive, time consuming, and daunting. This is the opposite of what we need here in America. Big name companies spend billions upon advertising their sugary, fat-gushing products. When in reality, we should restrict the abundance of adverts, plastered all over major cities, social media, and television. We need to start taking a …show more content…

The big names use things like high fructose corn syrup, MSG, and phosphoric acid to replace more costly ingredients like cane sugar, real extract, and natural juice. High fructose corn syrup is an incredibly low-buck additive that gives a sweet, refreshing taste. This has opened the floodgates to large companies which are now using it for just about anything these days. This in turn lowers the cost of the final product you see on the shelves. Your body can never deplete the MSG you consume. It will build and build forever. Phosphoric acid is known to soften bones and teeth. There is little warning through advertising about the long term effects of these man-made ingredients. We need to increase awareness of the proven dangerous ingredients companies are using in their products. Our government is allowing this to happen, thus diabetes, obesity, cancer, and heart problems continue to develop amongst not only adults, but the young generation as well. These quick and easy snacks are slowly killing

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