
Mckinney Naps Video Analysis

Decent Essays

On June 5th In this video of a McKinney Texas police officer Eric Casebolt you first start off with two cops chasing someone we cannot see. One of the boys recording then gives what seems to be pepper spray and the police officer is very nice. Then we pan to the main culprit in this video. He forcefully tells a young African American teen, “I told you to stay”, he screams and pushes his head down. He then proceeds to everyone yelling, “Get you’re a**es down on the ground.” The officer yells and points a stick or something at the kids telling them to get In the grass. He points to these African American females and tell them to get out of here using vulgar language once again. He cuffs to African American boys and the kids beside them in the video are pleading and begging that he stop and saying they were just here for a birthday …show more content…

He makes all the African American boys around him sit down. He says to the boys on the grass, “ yall making me F**king run around here with god d*mn gear on in the sun, cuz you wanna screw around out here.” He starts walking towards the lady’s and proceeds to tell them if they start running their mouths they are going to go too. He forces the girls to leave very offensively. The girls get upset because of how the officer is speaking to them like they are nothing but animals. One of the girls isn’t havening it and he talks back. The cop did not like this and he brings her in view of the camera and pulls her hair and in doing that pulls her to the ground. You hear eveyoen I nthe video get upset because that’s a female no one should be treated that way especially a female and a young one at that. She could really press chargers. The officer then pushes on her back and head forcing her to the ground and people start to come up to the officer trying to stop them. These two boys especially and the cop draws his gun on them. Two more cops come into the video and they move the officer gun and they run

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