
Measurement Of Crime And Measuring Crime

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Measurement of Crime
Mosher, Miethe, and Hart (2011) note censuses were perhaps the earliest example of social measurement, and were used principally to conclude the number of males available to fight in the military, as well for tax purposes. The census taking then emerged to the establishment of a statistical database that served to analyze social and economic trends, and even develop policies in some instances. Officially, based on judicial data, the first national crime statistics were published in France in 1827, which covered data of the year 1825. They were a part of the moral statistics movement that surfaced in many Western nations during the 1800s (Mosher et. al, 2011). This initiation of the moral statistics movement led to the desire to undertake the complicated assignment of measuring crime. Measuring crime has been and will continue to be a tough task to perform. Despite the difficult mission, throughout the years many approaches and methods have been introduced to try and account for all criminal occurrences. Furthermore, there have been a few major actors that played a vital role in assessing crime, that have led to today’s innovative methods of measuring crime more efficiently.
Vital Actors in the Measurement of Crime
As mentioned previously, the first crime statistics were published in France in 1827, and Adolphe Quetelet was one of the first actors to attempt to explain crime rates and measure social phenomena statistically (Mosher et. al, 2011). Quetelet

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