
Med Student

Decent Essays

Imagine, you were a med student or an intern doctor, you heard that the emergency code turned red. As an intern doctor, what will you do? What is your initial response to it? Are you going to panick and rapidly run to the ER like you almost kissed the floor, which can cause worries in every patients? Or you'll be calmed for your patient will feel they're taking care of? How do you deal with lofe's challenges? Is it in a negative or in a positive way? However, your answer should be in a positive one but of you're in the opposite side, you have your time to change it dude! Life, one word, one syllable but it has a lot of meaning. We all have our own perspective on it like, "life os love", "life is unfair" or even ""life is gold" but for me, …show more content…

Let's return to the hospital, you were assigned to a patient who has a cut on its arms and you need to suture it to stop the bleeding and infection. You don't have enough skill and experience, you felt down and negative thoughts surrounded you. What do you think will happen to you and to your patient? Both of you will be in a big trouble. The med student represents us. Based on my observations, most of us faced their problems in a negative way like running away from home, rebelling, using of illegal drugs and commiting suicide. Come on guys. let's think this one, you're not the only person in this world and stop thinking that you carry your own world. This is not just your life, it is also your love one's life. Think of …show more content…

'Cause hey, you're not just thinking about yourself but also the people around you that may hurt if you did a mistake decision. As I was saying, the med student realized that thinking negative can make others in trouble. So she took a deep breath and satart to think positive that "I'm a doctor and I study to save people's lives. They're trusting me because they knew I can do it. So why doubting?" She build her posture and start suturing. And it ended succesfully for the both of them. Like the med student, if we do our activities, quests or challenges with a smile, trust and in a positive way it will end up in a succes and you'll realize, "Oh, its really a

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