
Mediation In Chicago Essay

Decent Essays

Keywords: construction law disputes in Chicago, mediation and environmental law in Chicago 250 words Explaining the Benefits of Mediating Construction Law Disputes in Chicago to Your Clients Chicago construction law disputes often take years to resolve. In Chicago, construction law disputes may stem from the creation of a 50-foot skyscraper or from the renovation of a simple one-story home, and may involve a single homeowner and contractor or dozens of engineers and architects. Regardless of the structure at the center of a dispute, your clients should understand the benefits of mediating these complicated cases. Many attorneys view mediation as routine and low-pressure, and fail to explain its significance. Many clients perceive mediation as another expense added to their bill. Taking the time to explain to clients how beneficial mediation truly is will increase the odds that a settlement is reached. …show more content…

Preparing Your Clients for Environmental Law Mediation in Chicago For environmental law attorneys in Chicago, mediation is so common that they begin to view it as routine. When this attitude develops, many of these attorneys may fail to prepare for mediation as thoroughly as they once did. These attorneys underappreciate the fact that, for their clients, the first time in mediation can be overwhelming and confusing. Chicago environmental law attorneys must remember that preparing their clients for mediation is necessary for a successful session. A few weeks before mediation, have your client come to your office to prepare for mediation. You should go through the facts of the case, examine the legal documents that have been filed thus far, study expert reports, and check to see if there is any additional information needed to discuss settlements at mediation. Decide whether having your experts on standby, even if only by telephone, is

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