
Medicare Part A Case Study

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“I’m so sorry Mrs. Jones, but your insurance doesn’t cover that.” My mother stood, staring in disbelief at the $850 invoice that she received for her C-Pap machine. She had no clue how she was going to pay for it since her only income is her monthly social security disability disbursement, which is only $850. She desperately needed this machine for her Sleep Apnea but how would she afford this when she has so many other expenses? Why isn’t Medicare covering the cost of this machine? They covered the hospital stay that led to the diagnosis, so why not this? This scenario and similar ones present themselves far too frequently. As a solution, let’s discuss the basics. Not all Medicare is created equally! Medicare has four parts: Medicare part …show more content…

As of more recently, though, Medicare part A is only free to most, while some will pay up to $422/ month for the coverage. Although members are still responsible for a 20% of the cost for covered services, this is the only “free” coverage for those who qualify. Whether you qualify for premium-free part A, or you pay monthly for it, the coverage stays the same. While prescriptions, durable medical equipment, clinical research, ambulance services, mental health are all covered by either Medicare B or D, Medicare part A covers 80% of the cost for hospital care, skilled nursing facility care, hospice, home health services. Medicare A will also cover nursing home care but only if and as long as custodial care is the only care needed. My mother, on a fixed income, decided that she did not want to pay the annual premium for Medicare B or D and didn’t want to have a Replacement (E) or supplement, so she only enrolled in Medicare A. Had my mom, however, been equipped with the info we’ve just covered before she completed her enrollment, she would have been better prepared for the bill that she received. She would know that her effort to cut costs would lead to her actually paying more as this “free” coverage would not provide adequate coverage for her particular health

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