
Medication Errors Case Study

Decent Essays

Medication errors are one of the most costly errors for a hospital to encounter. According to the Institute of Medicine (IOM), there is an estimate of over 90,000 people who dies annually as a result of hospital mistakes arising from medication errors. The IOM estimates that medical errors alone cost the U.S. over $37 billion each year. In resents studies, it has been revealed that preventable adverse events (PAEs) lead to 350,000 patients who seek care in hospitals. The CDC reports that these figures make medication error to be the third leading cause of death second to heart disease and cancer. The purpose of this case study is to bring awareness to staff and educate them about the seriousness of this matter. Sentinel outcomes within the hospital settings are preventable with better patient’s outcomes projected. The Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) must remain knowledgeable and direct change that will promote a Healthy Reliability Organization that is supported and guided by the practice of evidenced-based medicine. The CNO can address leaders within the organization to tackle such an issue now before further damage is done. This will allow the organization to incorporate a more comprehensive approach to improving care within the hospital with better quality outcomes implemented. Hospitals by adopting the TeamSTEPPS principles can promote high-quality patient care that is supported by evidence-based practices (Crane & Crane, 2006; Kohn, …show more content…

Proper communication techniques such as the one that support Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation and Request (SBAR) should be used. Nurses must also remain vigilant when speaking with physicians and relaying verbal orders. Such orders should be done through the use of closed- looped communication with fewer errors and sentinel outcomes observe (TeamSTEPPS 2.0,

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