
Medication Paper : Using Lithium Essay

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Medication Paper: Using Lithium
As a counselor works with clients, one may have to work with a client that are taking psychotropic medication. A client named Kimberly disclosed in a session that she has Bipolar Disorder. She is a 19 year old African American woman. Kimberly has been experiencing symptoms of Bipolar Disorder for three years. Before beginning to take lithium, Kimberly has run away from home, displays erratic behaviors, has using marijuana to relieve symptoms, and attempting suicide when experiencing severe depression. Kimberly has also attempted suicide. Kimberly’s mental illness has affected her relationship with her mother and put a financial strain on the household. Kimberly was arrested and charged with the possession of marijuana.
Kimberly’s Experience with Lithium
Kimberly has been taking 1200 mg a day. Kimberly is currently in Pre-trial Diversion to eventually get back in college. Not only is it important for Kimberly to be drug free, but she has to be stabilized by using medication and learning effective coping skills. When a client experiences side effects, one may find oneself neglecting to take the drug (Ingersoll & Rak, 2016). Kimberly stated that she had not been feeling like herself when taking lithium. Kimberly has been feeling sick to the stomach when taking lithium. Although Kimberly was taking lithium on a regular basis again, she has experienced dry mouth and fatigue (McIntyre, 2015). The client is also at risk to suffer

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