
Sample Resume : Rosa Lee

Better Essays

Name: Rosa Lee Cunningham
DOB/Age: October 7, 1936/ 56 years old
Date of Interview: 02/10/2015
Evaluator: Rachel Cox BS, CSAC-I
Reason for Assessment:
Rosa Cunningham (full name is Rosa Lee) is a 53 year old African American female client of average height, slight build, and is appropriately groomed. She has 8 children, 2 of them being female and 6 males, all adults. Rosa is a widow and reached this status after being separated from her deceased husband for many years. Rosa is currently hospitalized for pneumonia, and has been hospitalized several times in her life for diferent illnesses. Rosa’s medical history as self-reported is HIV and seizures. Rosa is a heroin addict and has been this way for several years. Rosa is involved with the local methadone clinic and receives 55mg of methadone daily. Even by receiving this daily dose of methadone, Rosa continues to use heroin. Rosa has several legal and health issues that are present also, despite which she continues to use heroin. Rosa has a lengthy criminal history to include arrests for prostitution, larceny, and selling drugs. The reason for today’s assessment is a referral made by the social worker at the hospital in which Rosa is a patient at and discharge planning is to be made for aftercare.
Sources of Information:
History and background information is provided by Rosa and also from medical and legal records.
Psychosocial History:
Rosa Lee Cunningham was born into a family that lived in North Carolina and worked as

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