
Medicine : My Passion For Science In Internal Medicine

Decent Essays

“You can't do passion halfway. Living your passion means you're all in. You trust your heart and trust your gut wherever that takes you.” This quote by Joe Plumeri portrays my journey that led me through medicine. What attracted me to medicine was a combination of everything I loved doing: critical analysis, science, and patient interaction. As an adolescent I loved the challenge of solving puzzles and reading detective books which allowed me develop critical thinking skills. However, my passion for science was strong as well. As I did my Internal Medicine rotation I was ecstatic at finding the path I was searching for my entire life. It lit a fire in me that burned bright and I knew that internal medicine was my calling.
The captivating quality about evidence based medicine is the intricate thought process that allows you to put the picture together. For example, I admitted a patient who presented with classic symptoms of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), but had a normal glucose level. The case forced me to analyze her history. Through researching articles and journals I found out that about euglycemic DKA. The perplexing thought process was gratifying as many of these unique pathologies are overlooked. My passion for sciences involving critical thinking made internal medicine stand out more than any other career path I could have followed.
What blew me away was the attending’s knowledge of the pathology, up-to-date management, and trials knowledge. The attending knew that the

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