
Medieval Times Research Paper

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In medieval times, many things were much different than what we do/have today. Even just the way they have fun or prepare food can be exceptionally different or strangely similar. Modern times and medieval times can be compared and contrasted in so many ways that can teach us more about their life, and how much we changed.
The two eras differ because of the foods they ate and enjoyed. Long ago in medieval times, they had exotic foods and meats that included peacocks, boar heads, snake, etc. They had fantastic feasts of food from many foreign places, but they did not decorate it or make it fancy. Back then, food was just food, but in contrast, modern cuisine is quite different. We have petit desserts and tastings for many fancy foods. Our feasts last one day instead of weeks, and we have more common meats. Though different modern and medieval cuisine is quite similar. In medieval times, as mentioned before, they had great feasts with many friends and families. Medieval people had an abundance of perfumed stews …show more content…

In the middle ages, travel was slow and often on foot or by a horse. Travel could take weeks, months, or even years! Nowadays, travel is much easier, and riding on horses is a thing of the past. In modern times, people can travel by air, land, or sea (also space if you are insanely rich). The eras do still have facts that are similar. In medieval times, many people walked around and hiked, so do the people of modern times. It may not be as much, but a modern person and a medieval person would still walk to their house, walk around a town, walk to a store, etc. Yet another thing the eras have in common is what they packed. In the medieval times, people would pack foods water and maybe some fresh clothes if they had the room. This is almost exactly the same as what people do when they travel to other places in modern times. These eras are both different in the ways of travel, yet the same in many

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