Adolf Hitler’s book Mein Kampf or also known as My Struggle that was published sometime between 1925 and 1927 clearly describes his political viewpoints, moreso on race . His story supposedly is directed on his development of his ideas and the Natzi movement with a mixture of half truths, big lies, scurrilous attacks, and idealistic emotional appeals. Specifically, Hitler highlights the importance of race and explains the struggles occurring in Western Europe at the time. Hitler completely rejects the idea of Marxism and Communism, and opposes the belief that the Bourgeoisie are “oppressors”, as Marx had claimed. Alternatively, Hitler emphasizes on the categorization of people by their race, accentuating the idea that certain physical attributes …show more content…
Hitler states, “It is idle to argue which race or races were the original representative of human culture and hence the real founders of all that we sum up under the word ‘humanity’(Hitler 605). According to himself, the top is a Germanic man with light skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes, known as Aryan. He is stated as the founder of all higher humanity and represents the prototype of all that we understand by the word ‘man’. Hitler disapproved of Marxism because it disregards the idea of nationalism and the importance of race. Through Hitler’s eye, Marxism basically handed the world over to the Jews, in which the Jews would have much control over Europe. In addition, he felt as though Marxism would give the Jews power in order to enslave and destroy people that are not Jewish. Jews contaminated aspects of culture such as art, literature, and theater and they convert these significant elements of society into their own beliefs. Overall, the Jews wanted to eliminate all others and control the Germans for their own gain. It was the battle for world domination; racially, culturally, and politically between the Aryans and the Jews. Hitler wanted to keep the Jews and Aryan separate because he felt as though the Jews were truly evil people and should be eliminated and the Aryans should be kept pure. Mixing between races would lower the quality of the higher race and would cause regression of the
Hitler believed that the German people were part of an 'Aryan race,' a superior group that should be kept pure to fulfill their mission of ruling the world. He felt that the Jewish people were 'sub-human,' when in actuality they were virtually the same as his 'Aryan race.' Not only did Hitler have a personal hatred toward the Jewish people, but he also blamed them for 'stabbing Germany in the back' after Germany's defeat in World War I. Hitler used them as scapegoats because they were a minority and were easy to put the blame on. 'Historians agree that the Holocaust resulted from a confluence of various factors in a complex historical situation. That anti-Semitism festered throughout the centuries in European culture is centrally important; the Jews were (and are) a minority civilization in a majority environment. In periods of crisis, instead of searching for the solution of
Hitler believed that the Aryan people and Germany was destined to rule the world.
Hitler opens this chapter describing his dislike for how the future is moving towards a "peaceful contest of nations." Where instead of competing using violence, countries act like private citizens, cutting the ground from each other's feet and claiming it is harmless. The chapter then turns to Hitler's interest in war, describing his interest in the Boer war, the Ruso-Japanese war, and his position on World War I. He finds soldiers to be extremely heroic and tend to be more valuable than politicians, which he hates. His hatred of politicians stems from two policies he sees in the government: they spoon-feed their citizens news of a victory instead of letting them celebrate it, and the governments attitude towards Marxism. He believes Marxism
He believed that “Aryans” were the purified race. He pronounced that his race must remain pure in order to one day take over the world. For Hitler, the ideal "Aryan" was blond, blue-eyed, and tall. Although Hitler was not even close to looking like an Aryan, he showed the love he had for them. His mind-set was very racist and discriminatory. He had the idea of a “master race” and he discriminated anyone that wasn’t a part of it. He believed that the Germanic people were the only purified race and everyone else was filthy. The Nazis began to put their ideology into practice with the support of German scientists who believed that the human race could be improved by limiting the reproduction of people considered "inferior." The only way Hitler could carry on his “master race” was by getting rid of every non-aryan. He went on a hunting spree for every Jew, Gypsy, homo-sexual, etc. He thought they were not pure and didn’t belong on earth, and this expresses the hatred and how discriminatory he was towards anyone that wasn’t German. By doing this, the Nazis grew in power and had the German society following them, which shows the control and power of Hitler’s words and actions. When Hitler and the Nazis came to power, these beliefs became the government ideology and were spread in publicly displayed posters, on the radio, in movies, in classrooms, and in newspapers. Hitler traveled in planes from city to city, spreading the word of the Aryan-race. He spoke to radio stations, educated children in school, posted pictures and many posters, but he mostly gave brainwashing speeches that tricked most of the German Society to follow him. He used blind obedience to grow his idea. Although most Germans followed out of fear, others seemed to resist and go against
Hitler wrote “Mein Kampt” while in prison after a failed attempt to overthrow the German government.1 Throughout his book, Hitler expressed deep seated hatred towards Jews. He saw Jews as parasites and that their existence opposed natural laws. He believed the Aryan race superior to all other races.2 He held the Jews responsible for the creation of Marxism; Karl Marx’s economic theory is the foundation of Communism.3 Hitler truly hated Communism, conceivably on the grounds that Karl Marx was a German Jew. His military service during the Great War
One of Hitler’s many ambitions for Germany was to achieve total Aryan supremacy. Hitler wanted to make all Germans perfect physical specimens. All of them tall and strong with blue eyes and blond hair though he himself was short, with brown eyes and hair. Hitler claimed that the Germans were the purest Aryans and therefore superior to all other peoples. Hitler made sure that all Germans knew this, he told the German people what they wanted to hear, that they were in fact the master race and that they were superior to any other persons. Although many were opposed to Hitler’s idea of Aryan supremacy the German people supported him enthusiastically regardless.
Hitler was a nationalist socialist, and viewed communism as dangerous to the well-being of nations because of its intention to destroy private property, he thought it supported class conflicts and its aggression against the middle class and hostility towards small business and atheism. His beliefs came from his hatred of Jews in which he held the ideology of anti- Semitism. Hitler believed that the Jewish community was the driving force of communism. He also perceived that the Soviet Union being a communist county was evil and that America was the ultimate enemy, his plan was to eliminate America even if he ended up fighting other countries to achieve this purpose. Hitler thought the people of Germany needed more land to support more people
Hitler believed that the human race was very similar to species of animals and we should behave as such. His basic ideologies explain why he was looking for war and his goals for Germany. Hitler believed that each race should mate with a similar race and get rid of races that were not the same. This prejudice he had explains why he would want to go to war with nearby countries. Ideally, Hitler would demolish every single race that was not his own. It would be impossible for him to get rid of all other races, so he picked the one that was least like the Aryans which were Jewish people.
But why racism? It is generally believed by sociologists that one cannot be a racist unless he is distinguishing between different biological traits between people, which somehow make one biological 'race' superior to another. And Hitler knew how bitter the Germans were about the loss of the First World War, so he needed a reason to give them as to why they lost. So he turned to racism and began distinguishing the Aryans from other races in Germany such as the Jews and homosexuals. By blaming the mixing of these inferior races into Aryan blood he gave the people a reason to believe they were better than someone else, and gave them a purpose, people to blame for Germanys devastated economy.
In Mein Kamph Hitler offered some insight into his thinking on exercise of power and in particular the important role of propaganda, his contempt of parliamentary democracy and the Weimar Republic. Hitler also wrote of the need for a national revival and the quest for living space. Hitler linked his hatred of communism with his hatred of Jews. In Hitler’s mind Russia was the centre
The Holocaust was one of the biggest genocide in the world. Over 17 million people died in it mostly Jews. There where more things to The Holocaust World War 2, Hitlers rise to power, and Anne Franks Diary. These events all happened at the same time reflecting on one another. The Holocaust was one of the worlds worst events in history.
Mein Kampf is a very controversial book that is an autobiographical written by Adolf Hitler and how he describes his thoughts, ideologies, feelings, frustrations, anger, and his future of the world. Mein Kampf is a book that is probably one of the most controversial books around the world. The main topics in the book include anti-communism, antisemitism, aryanism, Nazism, genocide, military, political ideology, and Adolf Hitler's feelings and frustrations. These main topics also tie into the plot of the book. All of these topics can cause some sort of controversy that makes this book always near the challenge or ban book list.
Hitler stated that the stronger must not mate with the weaker and will therefore keep the Aryan race as pure as possible. This signifies the self-sacrifice that the German people are making by purifying their own race. “It was not by mere chance that the first forms of civilization arose where there were Aryans who came into contact with inferior races, subjugated them and forced them to obey his command. The members of the inferior race became the first mechanical tools in the service of a growing civilization.” (Hitler, V.1, Ch. 11) Hitler saw the lower races as a way to further the Aryan movement by means of conquering the weak. “By imposing on them a useful, though hard, manner of employing their powers he not only spared the lives of those whom he had conquered, but probably made their lives easier than these had been in the former state of so-called ‘freedom’. The stronger must dominate and not mate with the weaker, which would signify the sacrifice of its own higher nature.” (Hitler, V.1, Ch. 11) Moreover, Aryans will begin to build a civilization that depends entirely on the survival of the Aryan race and dominance over the inferior. Hitler stated that once a civilization was created, the preservation of such a society depends on the willingness of its citizens to forgo their immediate interests. Only once the Aryan sacrifices his or her own self interests for the betterment of the nation, can society as a whole begin to organize and develop more extensive
Mein Kampf portrays Hitler's political views and led a significant amount of readers to believe the same as Hitler. To illustrate, ¨Meanwhile in Mein Kampf, and especially in an unpublished untitled book, Hitler theoretically reconciled those the terms of his politics. Whereas other people compete for land and ultimately World Conquest,
Hitler believed in the superiority of the Aryan race. The Aryan race were people with at least 50% german blood . But his ideal family was a family of 9 with blond hair and blue eyes (as advertised in propaganda) with a working father and a stay at home mother. He believed that this race was superior than any other. This race would be treated like royalty they were the best of the best.