
Melanoma Skin Cancer: A Case Study

Decent Essays

According to the given studies and examination records, the diagnosis for this patient will be melanoma, which is a type of skin cancer. Of all the variants of skin cancer, melanoma is the most diagnosed with a survival rate of approximately 92% (“Melanoma: Statistics,” 2016). Melanoma is typically diagnosed after a patient develops a mole that becomes irregular or asymmetrical. After the primary diagnosis the patient is then sent for a biopsy which will then determine if the patient will receive treatment or not. There are many risk factors for melanoma, including ultraviolet (UV) radiation. UV rays can damage the DNA in skin cells. This damage affects certain genes that control how the skin cells grow and divide. If these genes no longer work properly, the affected cells may become cancerous (“What Causes Melanoma Skin Cancer?,”n.d.) …show more content…

To further understanding what the patient was experiencing both initial and terminal phase pictures were taken of the mole. The first image reveals a regular, symmetrical shaped mole that has normal and round margins; however, the second image is quite concerning as it is asymmetrical with an irregular border and it appears to have darker pigmentation in some areas. Melanoma usually appears as a new spot or a change in an already existing mole, which is the case here. (“Signs and Symptoms of Melanoma Skin Cancer,” n.d.). This is highly concerning, as the early stages of melanoma are consistent with the

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