
Meniere's Disease And Exercise Study

Decent Essays

Anytime an individual is asked to administer an exercise program for a client with a major chronic disease, the practitioner must determine if the program will help facilitate the management of disease or if exercise (or certain types of exercise) will cause the condition to worsen. Table 2 justifies the use of exercise and highlights the importance of recommending exercise for patients with Meniere’s disease, although very little research has been conducted on the population directly. One cohort study, found that as many as 50% of patients with Meniere’s disease use some form of exercise to help manage their condition (Kentala, 2013). While this study didn’t examine the effectiveness of exercise on Meniere’s disease directly, it indirectly …show more content…

This is especially important because individuals with balance related disorders can have ADL impairments, resulting in loss of independence (Meli, 2006). When designing a training program, data from the assessments can be used to: (a) set goals, (b) determine safety parameters/identifying exercise contraindications, (c) modify exercises, and (d) track progress. One method of obtaining assessment information is through collaboration with the individual’s physical therapist (PT). Having access to an evaluation conducted by a PT is a major asset because it will can provide detailed information about positional limitations, previous rehab programing, and other screening information. Research shows that vestibular rehabilitation programs conducted by physical therapists can improve balance and other coordination-based abilities (Nyabenda, Briart et al. 2003; Gottshall, Hoffer et al. 2005). When dealing with a client who has undergone vestibular rehabilitation, it is important to have the original program to help determine exercise progressions and/or regression. If an individual with Meniere’s hasn’t previously conducted a vestibular rehabilitation program, a referral might be necessary. In addition to the data from the PT, trainers may incorporate self-report instruments such as the Dizziness …show more content…

Until conflicting evidence is found, general guidelines may be utilized for the individual’s with Meniere’s, however, a few observations should be considered. Individuals with Meniere’s may benefit from exercise modalities that work in other balance/coordination based ailments including: (1) Tai chi, (2) yoga, (3) video games, (4) dance, (5) aquatic therapy and (6) balance/fail training (Šumec, 2015). Rotational exercises have also been shown to effectively train balance abilities (Brant, 2001, Nyabenda 2003). While free weights may improve coordination, safety needs to be considered before incorporating them into your program. Safety should also be considered before recommending water based activities because directional disorientation could lead to drowning, if an attack occurred underwater. Overall the personal trainer must consider the unique aspect of the Meniere’s sufferer’s diagnosis, severity of symptoms, fitness level, and individual exercise preferences before designing a training plan. It is imperative that safety precautions be taken due to the increased risk of loss of

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