
Meno's Definition Of Virtue Essay

Decent Essays

Meno is a dialogue by Plato about virtue. In the dialogue he talked about the definition of virtue and whether it can be taught. The dialogue starts with Socrates and Meno debating the definition of virtue. Socrates goes on to demonstrate teaching. After the demonstration, Meno eventually concludes, with the help of Socrates, that because he cannot think of any teachers of virtue, that people can’t teach virtue. However, Meno reached the wrong conclusion. The definition of virtue is behavior showing high moral standards. Meno didn’t arrive at the correct answer to his question. Virtue is behavior showing high moral standards. People can accept this definition as true for three reasons. First of all it includes all types of virtue, and second it does not include non-virtuous characteristics. All things that are classed as a virtue are under the definition. Some kinds of Virtue include justice, loyalty, love and kindness. All of these character traits fit the definition of virtue. For example, Justice means to treat people fairly and morally. In order to dispense justice, you must have moral standards. Therefore, it fits the definition of virtue. Loyalty is another example that fits the definition of virtue. Loyalty means a strong feeling of support and allegiance. In order to have loyalty, that does not include indoctrination, you must …show more content…

First of all they declare that teachers of virtue do not exist. But of course, teachers of virtue do exist. Even during the time of Socrates, teachers of virtue, such as Rabbis, operated. Socrates, who traveled extensively, would know that. However, Plato would not know about the teachers of virtue, as he stayed in Athens almost his entire life. But because teachers of virtue, do exist, that negates that argument. Virtue is a behavior showing high moral standards. Based on the definition people can teach others virtue. The moral can, despite what Socrates and Meno declared, teach

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