Related issues
Mental health disorders such as bipolar disorder and ADHD creates a burden on affected children and society at large. Commonly identified issues include financial impact on the family, effect of the illness on the child, social issues, occupational and academic functioning, racial impact, effects on family, stigma of the illness, suicide, economic burden on society, role of healthcare providers and cultural issues.
Role of religion
Whenever a child is diagnosed with a mental illness, parents often struggle to come to terms with the reality that it is happening to their child. Some parents hold on to religious beliefs and pray that a higher power will heal their child rather than complying with clinical, recommendations of
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They should avoid being judgmental, maintain a neutral moral stance, avoid giving advice on religion and explore how the patient’s religious belief affect and influence their view of the mental illness. Clinicians who are religious need to be conscious of how their religious belief may influence their treatment of their patient. Therapists may need to involve a clergy or members of the religious community when working with highly religious patients. More training of mental health providers, such as religious seminars and inclusion of religious didactic to the curriculum of educational institutions can help lessen this burden.
Economic and global burden
Mental disorders account for about 25% of disability in the USA, Canada and Western Europe and are the leading cause of premature death. The lifetime prevalence for impulse control disorders in the USA in 25% and 21% for mood disorders, and one in 10 children in the USA has a mental disorder that causes impairment. Psychiatric illness cost to the USA annually is about $150 billion annually, excluding research costs.
According to the WHO (2011), mental health disorders are problematic in children and adolescents because of their high prevalence and disabilities that result from these disorders. About 76% to 85% of patients with severe
Mental Health is a common topic in all agenda’s in the United States. It is currently looked at broadly across all segments of health; in fact, over the years there have been multiple approaches to addressing the needs of the population affected by lack of mental health or that have prominent mental health disorders. Over the past century the United States has been especially concerned about the mental health problems of our children and youth (Tuma, 1989). Worldwide 10-20% of children and adolescents experience mental disorders (World Health Organization [WHO], 2014). This topic has been so important to the extent that as early as 1909, the white house conference on children recommended new programs to care for mentally disturbed children
Mental health affects the cognitive, emotional, and social development of an individual. These conditions can be short term or can continue for the life span of the person. Mental disorders affect children from different ethnicity, races, and ages. The cause of most mental disorders is not known, but heredity, biology, psychological trauma, and environmental stress are all factors ( Treatment for mental health disorders includes medication and behavior therapy. Early diagnosis and prevention is encouraged; the lack of such can lead to other issues in “school, home, and in relationship forming.” It can also begin to” interfere with healthy development and continue into adulthood” (
According to Clinton & Sibcy (2012), “spirituality and the importance of faith-based counseling has become the fifth force in mental health care” (p.142). When seeking mental health service, many require assistance from their respective spiritual figure such as a priest or pastor first. This counseling method is use to form a connection to a higher source in order to see the larger picture; however, this form is not conducive to everyone as many victim are not religious and spiritual making it difficult to connect. Often, the victim may become mad their higher source as they believe this respective religious figure allowed this traumatic event to occur forming a disconnection delaying
8). Since this created a problem the Vatican came forward to help in any way possible (Califano,
Introduction: Childhood mental disorders pose a great public health concern due to their high prevalence, early onset, and associated adverse effects and costs to the society. Mental disorders among children are described as "serious deviations from expected cognitive, social, and emotional development", and include conditions meeting criteria described by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) or the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) (Perou et al 2013 P1). WHO (2003 P8) report mentions three major aspects of childhood mental disorders: (i) world-wide up to 20% of children and adolescents suffer from
Measures of variables – The measurement of the various variables in mental health beliefs and acceptance are numerous and cannot be dealt with but there is a more focused attempt to cover a reasonable amount of information that will be clear as to the thoughts and approaches that need to occur to make a reasonable difference in the disconnection of Christians and the mentally ill. There is some significance of the Research because it shows some need for improvement in the relationship of Christians and the mentally
Related behavioral issues such as substance abuse, domestic violence, and many others, remain persistent problems throughout their adult life. About 1 million abused children are identified each year in the United States, and the care costs for preventable problems are significant, so much so that mental disorders are one of the five most costly children conditions in the United States since 2006. Care expenditures rose from 35.2 billion to 57.5 billion that year. Access to mental health care is an ongoing problem especially within low-income, immigrant, and/or disadvantaged communities. Children, youth, and families forego mental healthcare despite the self-reported need. Commonly cited reasons are: the inability to pay, lack of time, and
This topic is becoming an increasing problem for both children and families alike due to difficulties accessing mental health care in a community setting, and providers becoming
Early and accurate diagnosis followed by effective treatment of the mental health of our children can open doors of opportunity for them to further their education and leading to a more successful productive future (R., 2009).
In the world today, there are a vast number of psychological illnesses affecting people. In a survey conducted by the World Health Organization in 2004, discovered that 26.4% of the population in America has some form of mental illness.1 The human mind has three main aspects the conscious, unconscious, and the sprit furthermore, it is my belief that mainstream secular counseling all too often ignores the spiritual aspect of our beings. Therefore that is why it is imperative that curative theology is included in an effective treatment plan. Paul emphasizes this in Romans 12:2 by saying “be transformed by the renewing of your mind”.2 I have strong convictions that secular counseling does a lot of good, regardless there is a genuine lack
Hill and Pargament (2008) state that religion and spiritualty psychotherapy uses similar techniques and modalities as secular psychotherapy as well as incorporating goals that are religions in nature; like prayer or meditation. Weber and Pargament (2014) state that it is important to take a holistic approach to understand the person paying attention to the person’s spiritual and religious needs. For this to happen the clinician needs to be aware of any religious biases he or she may have and addressing them by learning about different religious practices and ideas. The clinician’s ability to remain open and objective allows for a more positive experience for the client, will assist with compliance, and will provide a nonthreatening and therapeutic environment. The authors say there are some mental health programs that have already been developed which include religion and spiritual principles and participants in these programs have reported positive outcomes. The participants reported an increase in positive self-esteem, in mental clearness, in improved mood, in the ability to forgive, being able to be thankful, and being able to accept the outcomes of their daily lives. Additionally, participants reported a decrease in harmful thinking patterns
Throughout history mental health has always been an area that needs more attention shown to it. There has been many perspectives about what the role of spirituality would play in mental health and physical health within the history of time. Some believe that religious beliefs leads to mental illness. (Ellis, 1980, p. 5) Try to avoid a doctrinal system through which you are dogmatically convinced that you absolutely must devote yourself to the one, only, right, and unerring deity.... Otherwise, in my view as a psychotherapist, you most probably are headed for emotional trouble. (Ellis, 2002, p. 365). Mental health professional’s such as a therapist or psychologist can only give advice to their patients from the knowledge they have received in
Introduction: Mental disorders, viewed in terms of prevalence, burden of disease and disability, are one of the greatest public health
Many people would like their religious standings to be discussed and respected by their psychiatrists. Psychiatrists should be aware of their patient’s religious beliefs as it could prove to be applicable to the mental illness itself.
Children of all ages experience some type of emotional and behavioral issues throughout their childhood. While some may view an upset toddler or hyper five year old as “just being a kid,” more and more children are being diagnosed with childhood disorders. Psychiatrists are continuously prescribing medication for these children, but who are making the assessments? The fact that more children, even adults, are being diagnosed with mental health disorders is a concern, however, the biggest problem is determining which ones truly need the medications through assessment and proper evaluation. Kids are given medicine as a quick answer to the world’s problem with children, not childhood disorders.