
Mental Health Disorders And Its Effects On Children And Society

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Related issues
Mental health disorders such as bipolar disorder and ADHD creates a burden on affected children and society at large. Commonly identified issues include financial impact on the family, effect of the illness on the child, social issues, occupational and academic functioning, racial impact, effects on family, stigma of the illness, suicide, economic burden on society, role of healthcare providers and cultural issues.
Role of religion
Whenever a child is diagnosed with a mental illness, parents often struggle to come to terms with the reality that it is happening to their child. Some parents hold on to religious beliefs and pray that a higher power will heal their child rather than complying with clinical, recommendations of …show more content…

They should avoid being judgmental, maintain a neutral moral stance, avoid giving advice on religion and explore how the patient’s religious belief affect and influence their view of the mental illness. Clinicians who are religious need to be conscious of how their religious belief may influence their treatment of their patient. Therapists may need to involve a clergy or members of the religious community when working with highly religious patients. More training of mental health providers, such as religious seminars and inclusion of religious didactic to the curriculum of educational institutions can help lessen this burden.
Economic and global burden
Mental disorders account for about 25% of disability in the USA, Canada and Western Europe and are the leading cause of premature death. The lifetime prevalence for impulse control disorders in the USA in 25% and 21% for mood disorders, and one in 10 children in the USA has a mental disorder that causes impairment. Psychiatric illness cost to the USA annually is about $150 billion annually, excluding research costs.
According to the WHO (2011), mental health disorders are problematic in children and adolescents because of their high prevalence and disabilities that result from these disorders. About 76% to 85% of patients with severe

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