
Mental Health Issues In Australia

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Every year approximately one in five Australians will experience a form of mental illness. (1) It is a significant issue in Australia, with 45% of Australians aged between 16-85 having a mental illness at some point in their life. (2) It is also an increasingly costly issue as between 1992-1993 and 2010-2011, when looking at government spending, the recurrent expenditure on mental health has increased by 178%. (3) Suicide is the leading cause of death to people aged 15-24 years old in Australia, in 2012, 26.2% of deaths among this faction was as a result of suicide, (6) in 2015 this increased to 33.9% of all 15-24 year old deaths. (7)
It has been proven in multiple studies that men are more reluctant to seek help for mental health issues, …show more content…

Statistic about how many people view mental illnesses unfavourably. Due to many outside causes mental illness is looked down upon and many incorrect myths are believed about the issue. The prevalence of mental illnesses being portrayed incorrectly in the media has done nothing but damage to the self-esteem of many people suffering from these conditions. This then causes many sufferers to withhold seeking treatment or help because they do not want to be attached to the stigma of mental health …show more content…

Levant, EdD, coined the term "normative male alexithymia” to describe the phenomenon of men not realising what they are feeling or what emotions they are experiencing. (8) He suggests that many males learn from their parents and other influences that they are not supposed to express emotion, therefore instead of dealing with and learning about their emotions they repress them so much so that when they enter adulthood they don’t understand their own emotions or know how to express them. It is therefore hypothesised that if males aren’t able to express their emotions or understand their emotions even if they present signs and symptoms of a mental illness they themselves can’t recognise it. This is an especially big issue when faced with male depression, as it is believed many males are so cut off from their emotions that they don’t realise what they are dealing with is depression and are therefore unable to seek

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