
Mental Illness And Its Influence On His Writing Style

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Throughout Greene’s life, many of his life experiences helped shape and influence his writing style. During his childhood, he attended Berkhamsted School, where he was bullied by his classmates. The harassment had caused Greene to feel vulnerable, as he attempted to commit suicide a numerous amount of times but failed as the attempts were disorganized and botched. The happiest moment of his childhood, was when he visited his uncle, where he was introduced to books as he discovered he could ‘read’. Reading soon became something he kept to himself, as he would hide in the attic and enjoy the books he found in his uncle’s library. This allowed him to fill his mind with creativity and imagination, help develop a passion for books, as well as comfort and help overlook the company of his bullies. At the Age of 17, Greene developed a mental illness, causing both of his parents to send him to London for psychotherapy. Greene was mentally and emotionally disturbed and needed to be treated through professional, verbal communication. While in rehabilitation, he became more involved with writing due to his mentors, Ezra Pound and Gertrude Stein. He soon developed a strong love for literature as he began to write poetry. One of his two mentors, Gertrude Stein, wrote poems that were ‘a very beautiful form of literature’, as his poems were personal, infuriating, and tender. Ezra Pound on the other hand wrote poems that had clarity, precision, as well as traditional rhyme as they are

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