
Mergers and Acquisitions in the Pharmaceutical Sector Since the Last 10years to Cope with the Mutations of This Sector.

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Mergers and acquisitions in the pharmaceutical sector since the last 10years to cope with the mutations of this sector.



Title p.1

Introduction p.3

1. The pharmaceutical sector p.6

1.1. Introduction of the pharmaceutical sector 1.2 The actual pharmaceutical market 1.3 The actors of the pharmaceutical market 1.4 The strategic segmentation of the pharmaceutical market

2. The strict rules of the pharmaceutical sector in the world. p.12 …show more content…

Moreover, the financial crisis which ruins the developed countries since 2007 only creates a slowdown in the market of the health. It is this unfavourable context, and the need for the leaders of the pharmacy to react, which led us to deal with the following subject: “strategies of mergers and acquisitions to resist to the current changes in the pharmaceutical sector”.

In order to delimit this subject, we chose one period to concentrate ourselves on which is the last decade, and one of our analysis of the Pfizer group goes on the recent repurchase of the Wyeth group,

In order to analyse, as well as possible, the mergers and acquisitions and its consequences on the sector, there will be presented, at the same time, the sector as a whole, the internal audit of the pharmaceutical market, to finish with the strategic issues and the example of the merger between Pfizer and Wyeth because Wyeth, unlike Pfizer, represents the future of pharmaceutical companies. Innovative and related to the products of tomorrow, the Wyeth Company has been, since a few years, a serious competitor for the world leaders like Pfizer.

The purchase of its rival announces for Pfizer a new departure. In danger, the

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