
Metamorphosis By Kafka Essay

Decent Essays

In “The Metamorphosis,” Kafka uses Gregor’s conditioned and illogical thoughts to convince people to look outside of the systems they often find themselves in, even if the system itself is immoral. For example, the culture of work generally relies on a person’s desire to be accepted and not to be looked down upon. People are brought to believe that the differences between them and animals lie mainly with the fact that human beings have built themselves based on logic, which has given rise to the languages and symbols that are unique to them. To be preoccupied with the external environment as opposed to the skills useful in work is to be in touch with the beastly base that makes up all animals. In a way, Gregor feels ashamed of being so sensitive to music because he views that as a sign that he is not only a beast on the outside, he …show more content…

Gregor’s company is seen to treat the people it hires in a way that resembles the way people treat machines since the manager that comes is frustrated that Gregor is not performing as an ideal employee would by not showing up one day when he has proved himself to not even take sick days in other instances. Gregor aims to succeed in this system that so values results over human enjoyment that he is conditioned to feel guilty and surprised about wanting to enjoy some music. In fact, his myopic view on the entirety of life is what leads him to his suffering, and Kafka wishes to show how he could have lived a more fulfilling life had he realized how preoccupied he was with working. Because of the society’s general obsession of productivity and competition, employees of businesses have put their work over living and experiencing the emotions that come with the arts. They have brainwashed some into associating music with something beastly and unrefined while forcing others to participate in this rat race or

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