
Metaphor In Food

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Can food be used as a metaphor to organize the story of a book? Food is used as a symbol, conceit, and a metaphor in many different ways. Cooking food can be a symbol and represent many things that will move the story along. Food expresses the emotions of those who prepare it. All the things a person puts into a meal, not necessarily the ingredients, are expressed in the end product and reflected in those who eat it. It also helps shape the relationships and build up the plot. One example of how emotion is expressed is through food that has bad memories linked to the food. A food that brings up bad memories for Tita is eggs. This is seen through the quote, “...the egg whites reminded Tita of the testicles of the chickens they had castrated …show more content…

This food comes up in Chapter 3 when Tita received roses from Pedro. “Remove the petals carefully from the roses, trying not to prick your fingers, for not only are the little wounds painful but the petals could soak up blood that might alter the flavor of the dish and even produce dangerous chemical reactions” (Esquivel 47). The roses are a symbol of love memories, and sexual desire, as depicted in this quote. Pedro is clearly trying to show his affection to Tita, in a way that still is slightly subtle. Roses are a widely known way of pronouncing your love for someone, as shown in this book. When Tita prepared the food, the desire was reflected into it. After consuming it, it almost ignited a fire in gertrudis to find a man. “With that meal it seems they had discovered a new system of communication, in which Tita was the transmitter, Pedro the receiver and poor Gertrudis the medium”. (Esquivel 52). In this quote, Tita and Pedro were trying to express their love, and Gertrudis was almost caught in the middle of it. The desire Tita poured into the meal was almost caught by Gertrudis instead of being rightfully sent to Pedro. Roses are a way of showing your emotions to people without directly saying it. Whether it is directly giving it to them or cooking it, roses are a channel through which love is transferred back and

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