
Metropolitan Individuality

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Everything changed after money. Small changed in the metropolis change everything, like George Simmel supported. It’s like living in a jinga. The money is one of these small things that change the way of living life and their attitude in the public. Money is the all reason of change in people’s daily lives which also create new classes such as burgeoise. Metropolitan individuality is di erent which is more intellectual, rational. 18th century liberation changed all the balance and understanding of money, way of using money and the reason of its devaluation. While the metropolis people are more forced and isolated, it might be easy for them to balance but the small change can alter everything in the big circle.
The way of using money changed …show more content…

Modernity brings more control in people’s life so that’s the side of burgeoise like Loos explained. The connection with the city, the market and art become a cycle that a ects each others and brings more obsession to money. It might not be mentioned in any text but this obsession to money and unhealthy thinking of being attached to something might be the next level of “American Dream” where people focus on one thing without having the purpose and controlled by something or someone. However there is an another class in the public that use the ornament. Ornament wasn’t expressed individuality in burgeoise but in the degenerate and criminal side of the public, ornament(tattoos) is more like a ban that people have. It’s already in the individual which is already the opposite part of burgeoise. Ornament is no longer the production and expression of culture like in the metropolis stories but it’s more an object to evoke degeneration. Prisoners or criminals started to name with the ornament di erent than ornament is being utilitarian object. So according to two di erent texts of Loos’, expression of ornament in di erent people and di erent parts of the society create an distinction in the public that leads more to shape to people’s moralism in

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