
Mexican Drug Cartels Analysis

Decent Essays

The increasing momentum of Mexican drug cartels is accompanied by a surge of violence and police corruption that is catastrophic for Southern Texas-Mexico border city protection in the United States. This escalates the necessity for firearms possessed by citizens because of their defense benefits that surpass any negative effect. Mexican drug cartels are criminal organizations that are located in Mexico and focus on profiting large amounts of money from illegal substances by creating the product and smuggling it across the U.S.-Mexico border. This billion-dollar market is brutally fought for by the Sinola Cartel and the Gulf Cartel, who establish fear and authority in Mexican cities eliminating all that oppose them including those in the United …show more content…

The growing brutality and oppression from Mexican drug cartels is apparent, especially in the documentary Cartel Land as the migration of the horrendous crimes from these organizations floods into the United States. Tim “Nailer” Foley, leader of the Arizona Border Recon indicated in the documentary, expresses “we’re David and they are Goliath” during his fight to ensure border security in Southern Arizona against the cartels (Heineman). The narrative Murder City, Ciudad Juarez and the Global Economy’s New Killing Fields provides an account of Bowden’s experiences in Juarez as he communicates “the people of the city keep killing each other (5).” These are clear indications that the American people residing along the Southern Texas-Mexico border need their own firearms because the violence in Juarez and the rest of the country is prominent to endanger American homes if left unmonitored. Along with the fact that the main consumers for cartels are in the United States, the high magnitude of these organizations threatens Americans as the desire for the continuation of the billion-dollar market of drugs is overwhelming. Therefore, residents must be prepared to defend their homes and properties from this onslaught. The National Institute of Justice …show more content…

Tasked with fighting the drug war, Officer Jonathan Trevino, leader of the Panama Unit faces sentencing to prison as he became rogue, eventually degrading the protection that citizens of the Rio Grande Valley require (Burnett, Penaloza). This criminality originated when he and the group participated in the purchasing and reselling of drugs, confiscating of money from captured shipments for personal benefit, and protecting narcotic transports. With the current corruption of law enforcement, as seen in Southern Texas, it is quite apparent that U.S. citizens need the alternate solution of firearms. Trevino is not the first nor last police authority to participate in illegal activities, which prompts the idea that as they commit these acts, there are people in danger without their necessary protection. This is indicated in Bowden’s narrative as there are thousands of murders that are unimpeded because of lack of protection in the city of Juarez,

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