
Mexican Free Tailed Bats

Decent Essays

A lot of people can get bats mixed up with birds, but they are very different. Bats have teeth, birds have beaks. The Mexican Free-Tailed Bat is found south through Mexico,and in Central America into northern South America. Many scientists study bats. Bats are fascinating creatures you just have to learn more about them, and you will love them. The fur on these animals differ from red to brown, sometimes grey. They have long wings. Their black ears point forward, and have wrinkled lips and their tails go beyond the third tail membrane; that is where they got their name. A lot of people say that their tails look like a mouse's. Their Kingdom is the Animalia, their Phylum is Chordate. This animal is a Chordate because they have nerve fibers, …show more content…

There is a lot of other mothers doing this so the only way she can find her baby is by its call. As the summer keeps going these bats will over heat. Have you ever touched hot rocks? It burns! All the bats get up and flap their wings to cool off. Sometimes these bats even have to get out of the cave and fly around for a while and then they can go back. They can do this many times. These animals use sexual reproduction. They have adapted to this environment by their long wings. Their wings help to get away from predators, catch prey, or to migrate if they have to. The hairs on their toes help with flying. Their legs are short and strong so they help this bat climb. Their fur makes less drag, making them fly faster. Mexican Free-Tailed Bats have many behaviors that help them survive. If they didn’t migrate south at winter they would freeze. They can make their body temperature lower and energy by resting each day, this is pretty much hibernation. But it is called torpor. They do this in the winter mainly. This has to be done daily.
Homeostasis is any way that the body tries to make it stay normal. If it works you live if not you die. When humans get hot we sweat, that is the body trying to remain the same temperature. When humans get cold we shiver, to warm ourselves

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