
Mexico Drug Trafficking

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Why have many people in Mexico turned to drug trafficking?

Kate Rosenthal
Mr. Knollman
2GH AP World History
27 May 2016

Aranda, Salvador Maldonado. “Stories of Drug Trafficking in Rural Mexico: Territories, Drugs and Cartels in Michoacán”. Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe / European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 94 (2013): 43–66. JSTOR.Web.16 May. 2016

In this article, Salvador Maldonado Aranda writes about drug trafficking in response to Mexico’s transitioning political system. Mexico’s newly introduced and unstable social, economic, and political policies played a part in assisting drug traffickers to thrive in their jobs. He notes that the drug traffickers are regarded as heroes …show more content…

Aranda is currently working on two research projects that include violence and drugs as well as political parties and citizenship. He has also done field work in many cities throughout Mexico. This article talks about how drug trafficking was thriving due to the new and unstable Mexican government, as well as drug lords and traffickers being regarded as heroes. This article touches on the fact that drug trafficking in Mexico is so widespread due to alliances between some drug lords and politicians. Overall, this article explains in detail how and why drug trafficking is so popular in areas across …show more content…

However, Mexico is still fighting drug trafficking internally although they hardly have any resources to properly do this. Chabat comments that drug trafficking is so popular do to the demand for the drugs in other countries. In the mid-1900’s the Mexican government made way in cracking down on illegal drugs. They created punishments for the traffickers and signed agreements to help prohibit drug trafficking in general. Still, drug trafficking in Mexico seems to be present and a large problem due to the violence it creates.
Jorge Chabat has been a professor of International Studies in Mexico City at the Center for Research and Teaching on Economics since 1983. He is also an expert not only on national security but drug trafficking as well. Since Chabat is located in Mexico City and has for a number of years, this makes him a knowledgeable and credible source regarding problems such as drug trafficking in

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