
Michelle Obama Comparison Essay

Decent Essays

Comparison Essay Michelle Obama's speech was very similar to a book by Kathleen Duble called Sacrifice.Both topics talk about being brave and how you must believe everything will be alright in the end. Michelle Obama’s speech uses hope to aspire young women, and Sacrifice uses hope to show how to get through hard tasks. Overall in both these topics they have very similar points that could be easily comparable. First, Michelle Obama says “It’s that feeling of terror and violation that too many women have felt”{Obama 8}. This is comparable to when the main characters sister Dorothy stands up for herself, but then gets shoved to the ground by an angry jailor who has no respect for her(Duble 3). These two instances are comparable because Dorothy felt violation and terror just like the many women Michelle Obama said. Another comparable topic is when Michelle Obama says “Maybe we’ve grown accustomed to swallowing these emotions and staying quiet”(Obama 9). This is comparable to when the main character Abigail gets her bread taken away for voicing her opinion and she realizes she must stay quiet and not voice her opinion(Duble 1). I think these to compare because the girls must swallow there emotions to …show more content…

I think this is very similar to when Dorothy says “ Come, Abby, for we must be braver still” (Duble 1). I compare these two sentences because they both have hit a wall of hardship but realize that there’s no point in doing nothing about, you got to be brave. Next, in Michelle Obama's speech she states ¨We don't give up, we don't abandon ship”(Obama 15). I think this is very similar to when Abby is cleaning up there dead aunt, and wants to turn away from the task but there determination keeps Abby focused(Duble 1). These these 4 topics were all very comparable in the sense of they all came back to the original topic of

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