
Microsoft Case Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

Unit 4 - Project

Teresa Heier
Kaplan University
MT 460-02
Professor Lisa Epstein
September 28, 2009

Executive Summary The main problem that Microsoft is having in Europe is with the antitrust ruling. As stated in the case “The immediate issue before the court is whether to uphold the European Commission’s landmark 2004 antitrust decision against Microsoft or to side with Microsoft in its appeal.” (Pearce-Robinson, 8-1) The two main issues that the case is about is Microsoft tying their media player in with the operating system and not willing to release their full specifications of their networking protocol. The EU Courts impose a remedy for Microsoft to release a copy of their operating system XP that did not include a …show more content…

Microsoft is not following their mission and values statement because they did not publish their network protocol documentation by the requested date from the EU Courts. They did release a version of their operating system XP N but that never really sold or took off in the markets. All in all Microsoft has been “convicted” of a monopoly.
Microsoft really needs to wake up before they get smacked in the face with more fines from the EU Courts. Some alternatives that Microsoft might be able to use would be only releasing an XP N operating system in the questioned markets. They also need to act more quickly to requests of the EU Courts. The Courts are not going to wait years upon years for their requests and documentation to be finished and submitted to them.
I would suggest they release only an XP N operating system in the EU markets. They also need to start listening to the Courts and working on matters in a more timely fashion. I would also recommend that Microsoft back off the EU market for a few years and lay low for a few years. If Microsoft does not comply with what the Courts want them to do ultimately the company will go out of business, maybe not in the next 10 or 20 years but in the long run.

Pearce, J.A. & Robinson Jr. R. B. (2007). Strategic Management. 11th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin

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