
Microsoft Outlook: A Powerful Tool Analysis

Decent Essays

What's your reaction/opinion of this tool?
This is a great and effective tool and I have really enjoyed working with it. There is a tool similar to this in Microsoft Outlook, however this tool is the most user friendly to me, as Outlook can take a bit getting used too. In addition, I was pleased that Doodle didn’t require you to download any special software on your computer to use their tool and they allow you to use their tool without creating an account. Doodle also gives you the option of an app for tablet or cell phone, and most importantly it was their basic tool is free and their app is free. From this class forward, anytime I work in groups or we need to set a time and date for a meeting I will certainly recommend this tool. The best …show more content…

To me, this tool will solves majority of our problems as we can use this throughout the semester to meet to complete our work. I feel like many people will enjoy their group this semester because no one will feel pressured to agree to a time that does not correlate with their schedule and have to rush to leave meeting, and as a group we only have under thirty minutes to knock out as assignment. This tool will allow our group to agree on time where members can meet for more than thirty mintues to complete and give feedback to each other on assignments and group discussions. Having valuable group time like I described in the previous sentence, gives each of us the ability to learn more, understand the material, and that as a group allows us to not turn in subpar work. In a previous class, this tool was recommended to all groups to use. I believe if we had used this tool it would have made the course a little more stress-free. To this day, I never met the people who I work with in that class, because no one wanted to meet and we just communicated through

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