
Middle-Class Inequality In Modern Society

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In modern society, people are not equal. This inequality stems from a number of social issues, not the least of which is the notion of the class structure. The middle-class is traditionally viewed in a generous and hard-working light. Mia Alvar’s stories “Shadow Families” and “The Miracle Worker” however, depict a middle-class that lacks respect and pities the lower-class. In her stories, Alvar presents the lower-class characters in a way that suggests they are in many ways incompetent and dependent upon the higher class. This disparity in classes serves to perpetuate the issue of classism and this is the very issue that Alvar aims to represent. Mia Alvar’s stories “Shadow Families” and “The Miracle Worker” depict the perpetuation of the classist behavior where a middle-class disrespects, pities, and underestimates the lower-class. Within Alvar’s story “Shadow Families” the experiences of upper-middle-class Filipino women are representative of upper-middle-class behavior. Within the story, a lower class exists called “katulong” by the main characters with whom they are acquainted. The interaction between these two groups is worth exploring as it applies to the class dynamic. “When they arrived, in jeans and T-shirts our teens had outgrown, we all but hoisted them onto our shoulders. We lifted their feet onto Moroccan poufs or camel-saddle ottomans.” (“Shadow Families” 95) This passage paints these “katulong” in a pathetic light as they are perceived by this

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