Shouldn’t there be other sports in middle school? Well I think that you should be able to play any sport you want in middle school don’t you think so! Kids will enjoy school and get to know more people if they play sports. On it staes “sports provide a way to met new friends in life through middle school teams”.See if kids will get involved to more sports that they like they will get to know people in the school and become their friends. Kids will get to become more popular and enjoy school more. If students have more of a variety to pick from in school then they will be more healthy and active. On project it states “if kids play sports they will have healthier bones,muscles and joints helping control weight and reduce
What is your opinion? Should soccer be a middle school sport? I think it should be a sport in middle school, because it teaches players skills that can be used in everyday life. Practice makes...better. It's not about being perfect, it's about trying your best and getting better. As long as you try you will rewarded. Soccer also helps kids to stay in shape.
Playing sports or even having the knowledge of them can result into happier and more social students. In the video Notebook: Kids and Sports, Katie Couric states, “Playing sports cannot only give kids more confidence, it can also give them more rewarding friendships” (Notebook). This implies that our school can be more successful if we have greater variety of sports kids can join. Although being happier and more social isn't the only benefit of being in sports.
Sports in high school are important because they involve students in school activities, build self-esteem, create social relationships, teach teamwork and cooperation and provide positive mentors. School activities can unite a school where students, faculty and staff, and parents
They promote concentration abilities and leadership traits. Most students in activities outside of school will say that sports help have a goal to have their grades at or to put in extra effort out. Furthermore, sports may not seem like they teach kids about life, but they improve social qualities and the ability to accept winning and losing appropriately. If someone you know wants to improve their kids grades find an extracurricular activity that they are interested and sign them up. It not only improves grades but they can improve friendships and qualities that might be needed when the kids grow
The purpose for a middle school athletic competition provides many advantages which are learning sportsmanship, teamwork, communication skills, problem solving skills, self-control, weight control, builds self-esteem and looks good on the students academic record. In addition, many studies have shown that engaging students in extracurricular activities reduces student dropout rates, teen pregnancies, and juvenile arrests. (The Foundation for Global Sports Development, 2013)
if sports or phisical activity can help improve brain skills then it is good when you play sports because it can help you sttay focuesd and you could stay focused in class . Further, such activity can affect attitudes and academic behavior, including enhanced concentration, attention, and improved classroom behavior (GAO, 2012).if it can effect attitudes your probobly less likley to get in trouble in school or you can give more attention to school work in stead of slacking off the final reasons why kids and teens should stay in youth sports is because it helps ther mental
First of all sports keep our youth out of trouble. “Sports lead to less smoking, drug use, pregnancy, and risky sex”(“Active Kids Do”). Sports lead to less of all these things because most high school sports have a two hour practice 4 - 5 times a week plus a game so, in doing that it gives less time for our youth to be caught up in illegal activities. Also kids will have to feel the rave of the coach if they get in trouble because that usually means they can’t play a game and the whole team is depending on them. All in all sports help kids stay out of trouble.
Are high school sports good for kids? Many people believe that athletic sports are good, but they ignore the fatal flaws of these activities. Youth and high school sports are harmful because athletes often get too caught up in winning and get hurt frequently, physical sports also take away from other extracurricular activities.
Some people think that sports cost a large amount of money, are distracting, and cause injuries. However, expensive equipment is good equipment that prevents many hazards and injuries from happening, and sports improves some people's grades during the season. Therefore, sports should be kept in middle schools.
High school sports also has a benefit to an athlete's physical health. Today’s teens are exposed to a great amount of entertainment avenues such as television, video games, and other media devices. These things allow teens to be lazy. Young people generally get less physical activity as they get older. By being physically active it can help prevent obesity. The experience of sports, exercise, and kinesthetic activities helps boost teens’ bodies. Involvement in sporting activities keeps teens moving and and keeps them engaged physically which is vital for their overall health and
In 2008, 30.2% of youth ages 6 to 12 were active to a healthy level through sports(“Facts”). This shows that some kids are getting the minimum amount of physical activity. To raise this level, all kids should include sports in their daily life. All kids should be engaged in sports. Regular activity is required for good health and high school athletes are more likely to attend college.
Bruised knees, sore legs, and tired arms were what my high-school years consisted of. I had always wanted to be part of a sports team, but middle school sports didn’t count because no one took it seriously. During my freshman year in high school, I found out about volleyball try-outs and immediately signed up and attended each practice. For once, I felt a sense of belonging - there were rookies and there were pros – I was never marginalized and was accepted whether or not I had experience.
Many high schools and middle schools throughout the United States offer students a wide variety of sports for both boys and girls to become involved and participate in such as the following: baseball, basketball, bowling, cross country, football, golf, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, track and field; as well as wrestling.
Students learn about the importance of sports and how it has a positive effect in their lives. Sports also help teach children about teamwork and sportsmanship and how it will help them in the future. Although some people might argue that sports are making children stressed out and distracting them from learning, it actually helps raise their grades and help them become more focused. Paying high school sports not only allows students to handle pressure, but to also gain leadership
Sports may not be all that good for children. Some people might say that sports can cause injury, children won’t get a chance to play if they are not very good, or children may be made fun of for lacking skill in that particular sport. I believe that participating in sports has a much more positive impact on children. Sports can help children’s health approve, help them develop new friends, and can help improve the children’s self confidence.