
Middlehurst House is a daycare center

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Middlehurst House is a daycare center/preschool which operates as a partnership of George Friedman and Bill Compton. The center is in a city that has a large base of twoincome families who have a need for quality day care. The two men started the center this year. Compton contributed $40,000 to get the business started—to purchase equipment and to operate through the early months. Friedman, who previously managed another center, is the director of the center and draws $2,000 per month for his services. Partnership profits and losses, after Friedman 's salary, are split 75 percent for Compton and 25 percent for Friedman. Middlehurst House operates from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday. It is in a single building that has a capacity …show more content…

Friedman doesn 't think this expansion would be profitable. However, he has never done an analysis of the situation and has not thought about an appropriate tuition. He believes that the infant/instructor ratio in his center should be no higher than 5 infants to one instructor. The center would have no food costs for the infants. Compton will only agree to Friedman 's suggested changes if the center will continue to operate at or above the current profit level. Friedman does not start a new class unless more students are on the waiting list than are required per class. Obviously, enough students are on the 5-to-6 age group waiting list to start a new class. Lately, however, he has wondered if the center could make a profit by starting classes with fewer than the requisite number, taking the chance that new students would appear and could be added immediately. Information from his various inquiries implies that a potential market for quality infant care (0 to 24 months) exists. Friedman doesn 't think this expansion would be profitable. However, he has never done an analysis of the situation and has not thought about an appropriate tuition. He believes that the infant/instructor ratio in his center should be no higher than 5 infants to one instructor. The center would have no food costs for the infants. Compton will only agree to Friedman 's suggested changes if the center will continue to operate at or above the current profit level. Questions: 1. Look at each

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