MIH – Treatment Treatment approaches The available treatment modalities for MIH is extensive but the decision on which treatment should be used is complex and multi-factorial. Factors may include: condition severity, the patient’s dental age, the child/parent’s social background and expectations. [1] Prevention Prevention is of prior importance at an early developmental age as the defective tooth is more likely to have caries and post-eruptive breakdown due to its increased porosity. [1] Appropriate dietary advice and toothpaste with a fluoride level of at least 1,000 ppm F should be recommended. [2] For treating spontaneous hypersensitivity, professional applications of fluoride varnish (e.g. Duraphat 22,600ppm F) or 0.4% stannous …show more content…
[8] Creamy-yellow or whitish-creamy defects are less porous and variable in depth [6], and may respond to microabrasion with 18% hydrochloric acid or 37.5% phosphoric acid and abrasive paste. [9] [10] Again, this should be undertaken cautiously as microabrasion may result in loss of enamel. [11] Cavity Design There is still much debate of whether margin extension should include removal of all defective enamel or only the porous enamel. The former provides sound enamel for bonding but leads to excessive tooth tissue loss, the latter is less invasive, but the margins may have a high risk of breakdown due to defective bonding. [1] Yet, it is agreed that adhesive restorations should be used as opposed to those reliant upon mechanical retention (such as amalgam). [12] Glass ionomer cement (GIC) restorations. GIC materials have adhesive capabilities with both enamel and dentine, long-term fluoride release and hydrophilicity when there is inadequate moisture control intra-orally, during early post-eruptive stages. However GIC’s poorer mechanical properties suggest avoidance in stress-bearing areas. In later post-eruptive stages GIC may be valuable as sub-layer beneath composite restorations. [1] Composite resin restorations Composite resin material has been shown to have longer-term stability in MIH teeth, with a median survival rate of 5.2 years [13] and a success rate of 74%-100% [14] [12] during a 4-year follow-up period. Self-etching adhesive was found to have
The goal of polishing tooth structure is to smooth roughened surfaces, and produce a pleasing appearance and feel with minimal to no trauma to hard and soft tissues.The first step is to assess our patient's awareness of their overall mouth condition. Dental Hygienist must carefully evaluate and select the appropriate procedures, based on the individual patient needs, and the types of stains and restorations present in the mouth. The clinician must critically evaluate the potential adverse effects of the coronal polish procedure against the benefits and be able to educate the patient.
The shades and fillings match the color of your existing teeth. The dentist adjusts the color from the gum line to the tip of the tooth to achieve a natural look.
With the 580 veneers on 66 patients, several parameters were examined in this study. The type of margins and depth of the preparation, crown lengthening, presence of restoration, diastema, crowding, discoloration, abrasion, and attrition. A cox regression modeling was used to determine which factors would relate and predict porcelain laminate veneer failure. 42 veneers 7.2 percent failed in 23 patients, and an overall survival rate of 86 percent was seen. A significant association was noted between the failure and the limits of the prepared tooth surface including the margin and depth. The most frequent failure type was fracture. A multivariable analysis also showed that veneers bonded to dentin and teeth with preparation margins on dentin were 10 times more likely to have failures than veneers bonded to enamel. A survival rate of 99 percent was observed for veneers with preparations confined to enamel and 94% for veneers with enamel only at the
However, like many studies, this study has a few limitations. In this study, we got results which were far lower than expected, due to which we analyzed the proportion of the population who received fluoride applications instead of the mean number of fluoride applications. For dental home linkage since there was not enough data to analyze the ward-specific distribution of a mean number of days, we looked at the overall mean number of days for dental home linkage for those six referred patients. Also, for fluoride applications, we looked at the proportion of only fluoride varnishes applied by dentists, physicians, both and institution. We also looked at the proportions of only varnishes by provider type instead of the mean/the median number of varnish since we did not have information about unique providers which could give specific
Treatment of periodontal disease can be broadly divided into two, non-surgical and surgical. Longitudinal comparison between non-surgical and surgical therapy had been studied extensively by groups of researchers, namely the Gothenburg, the Michigan, the Minnesota, the Nebraska, and the Arizona group. There are some heterogeneities between studies from different groups. Some studies focused on single rooted teeth, while others included molars. Majority of the studies are done in a university setting, while the Arizona study was done in private practices.
Resin Composite – These are thinner and can be applied without having to remove as much enamel.
“A pit and fissure sealant is an organic polymer that flows into the pit or fissure and bonds to the enamel surface mainly by mechanical retention when the acid etch process precedes the application of the sealant material” (Wilkins, 2013, p.543). According to Esther Wilkins, sealants are a part of a total preventative program, but are not substitutes for other preventative measures (Wilkins, 2013, p.550).
Initially, for the purpose of denture base, vulcanized rubber (vulcanite) has been in use. It was introduced in the year 1855 to the field of dentistry (Tandon et al., 2010). However, there were several issues faced with respect to its fabrication as well as the aesthetics. With this, the year 1937 saw the advent of PMMA which replaced vulcanite as it had enhanced properties (Machado et al., 2007). It also was less expensive than vulcanite and aesthetically more pleasing. From then on, PMMA has been in use. Recently, additional polymers such as nylons, vinyl acrylic and light activated urethane dimethymethcarylate have been evaluated for use as denture base materials (Diaz-Arnold et al., 2008). Even if these materials do exhibit very capable properties, none of them have been deemed superior to PMMA. However, clinical studies (Ray et al., 2014; Dhiman & Chowdhury, 2009) have reported midline fractures to be a common problem in maxillary complete dentures due to fatigue
Esthetic restorations are in vogue today and their demand is increasing day by day. Composites represent two major advances in restorative dentistry. Composite resins have been introduced into the field of conservative dentistry to minimise the drawbacks of the acrylic resins that replaced silicate cements (the only aesthetic materials previously available) in the 1940s. In 1955, Buonocore used orthophosphoric acid to improve the adhesion of acrylic resins to the surface of the
Endosseous dental implants have made a tremendous breakthrough in dentistry revolutionizing the restorative possibilities since early 1970's1. They provide an impressive, idealized(both in function and appearance ), and durable restorative results for a variety of Prosthodontic situations ranging from single teeth, crowns,bridges and complete dentures2,3,4,5.
For oral health professionals, administering and recommending fluoride is a common practice. Using fluoridated toothpaste as a preventive and controlling method for dental caries has been a common recommendation for over 50 years (Schemehorn, DiMarino, & Movahed, 2014, p.57). Oral health professionals and researchers have found that although the occurrence of dental caries is declining, dental fluorosis and other systemic effects are becoming a rising occurrence (p.57). Therefore, researchers have been looking for a way to improve the fluoride uptake without increasing the dosage of fluoride due to its systemic risks (p. 57).
If you experience tooth decay to a severe enough degree that dental fillings are not feasible, yet there is enough healthy tooth left that a dental crown is not necessary, your tooth can be restored with the use of inlays and onlays.
Proper home care plays an important role in the health of the oral cavity. Tooth decay in children has been considered to be number one when it comes to childhood illnesses and can affect their quality of life. Most dental diseases are preventable. By developing good dietary habits, proper homecare and the use of fluoride, you are able to prevent having to spend major bucks on restorative work in the future.
Dental bonding does not require any impressions or temporaries. First the dentist will place a plastic coating on the front of the teeth. Then they will place a bonding agent, colors it according to the color of your teeth, and shapes it. Then a light called the curing light is shined through the plastic that causes it to harden and makes the surface look shiny and polished. Then a thin layer of etch is placed on your teeth to make little fine holes in the enamel of your teeth. This is so the resin can stick to your teeth very well. Then many coats of composite resin are placed on your teeth
The dental implant solution will help you with this transition because implants make your entire restoration function better!