
Mikey Modilloy Ap Language Essay

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1. Frank is prompted to say this when he reminisces on the masters of his school and his father's words, of glorious death for Faith and Ireland.

2. Understandably, Frank admires Mikey Molloy because he “knows everything [...] he has visions in his fits and he reads books.” Mikey Molloy is anything but a typical hero, his morals are off kilter, he has disabilities, and he’s not perfect in all around.

3. Mikey is his mother’s “world, her heart’s blood, her pulse” , he is her pride and joy. He “has more sense than twelve men drinking pints in the pub”, “knows all the names of the popes” and saves the family from pure starvation. He is her only solace in her world.

4. Peter is strikingly similar to Malachy Sr. Both suffer from alcoholism, he “drinks the dole money.” and fails to provide for his family, leaving the task to Mikey. …show more content…

Nora Molloy is often taken to the lunatic asylum because she often “demented with worry over her hungry famishing family.” Sadly, these feelings are caused by her husband, Peter, who drinks away the dole itself and any money he wins.

6. Mikey thinks like a child, but, a certain quote stuck out; “When he’s older he’ll go to the pub like his father, drink pints galore, stick the finger down the throat to bring it all up, drink more pints, win the bets, and bring the money home to his mother to keep her from going demented.” His father's actions normalized and glamorized alcoholism. Mikey wants to be like his father.

7. Personally, I believe Malachy Sr. told Frank not to tell the priest about listening to Mikey’s story to put him at ease, because it was such a small and ultimately insignificant thing . Additionally, he tells Frank it’s not a sin, he doesn’t want Frank to waste the priest’s

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