
Military Entrance Processing Station

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Military Entrance Processing Station, or MEPS. Where men and women sign up to protect their country. They sign their name and raise their right hand to swear loyalty to the U.S. The day I went to MEPS, my nerves were jumbled and my hands were shaking. I was headed to sign away my freedom to the U.S. Marine Corps. Even though I was nervous, I had the determination to take my first step to become a Marine. My determination gave me motivation to continue. The first step to going through MEPS was medical. Everybody was tested on hearing, vision, blood, urine, and joint functioning. Males and females were separated for the first test. The males were stripped down into our underwear to complete a series of physical tasks. Dubbed the ‘Underwear Olympics’. We had to bend our joints at awkward angles and test our balance and coordination. Afterwards, we were sent into a small examining room alone with a doctor. In here we were groped and told to turn our heads and cough, then to turn around, bend over, and spread ‘em. This was the most unpleasant portion of the day. We were then clothed and were sent out. After the ‘Underwear Olympics’, the other …show more content…

The interview was conducted to confirm there no withheld or falsified information in the contracts. The swear in was in and out and over quickly. The last six of us rose our right hands and repeated the oath of enlistment. This day was the longest day i've experienced. My life was opened, dissected, and put on paper. A very small amount of paper at that. Although this was very tedious, it was necessary. The military needs exceptional citizens who are willing to hold down during stressful times. People need to be inspected thoroughly to safe-guard from any potential threats. Most people don’t know much about the military and would do good to learn a bit. If they took the time, they may be interested in joining or even just have more respect and admiration for those who

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